Viper Owner
I took out the Viper tonight just to give my brother a ride after picking it up from the dealer a few hours earlier and I got a ticket for no front license plate. No warning, no nothing. It's $110 over here so it's not cheap. Oddly enough, it was about 1 hour after I emailed JonB, inquiring about a front license plate holder. No breaks already
Luckily I was not speeding.
Two cops came out. One was cool and had lots of questions. The other didn't really care that I actually wanted to purchase a front plate holder. He told me that I should fight it and just bring in the car to court or take a picture of it with the front plate on. He could have cut me some slack but that's life I suppose. The cool cop asked, "It must be hard not to speed in this car, huh?" I said, "I don't know, I haven't had it long enough to even try
I stopped by to get some gas just before. The cashier asked me two questions:
1. Is it a Lamborghini?
2. How much did it cost?
It's a good thing he was far enough away that he couldn't see the "front speakers" on the hood
That Viper is gonna be quite the experience, I tell ya. It's all good
Two cops came out. One was cool and had lots of questions. The other didn't really care that I actually wanted to purchase a front plate holder. He told me that I should fight it and just bring in the car to court or take a picture of it with the front plate on. He could have cut me some slack but that's life I suppose. The cool cop asked, "It must be hard not to speed in this car, huh?" I said, "I don't know, I haven't had it long enough to even try
I stopped by to get some gas just before. The cashier asked me two questions:
1. Is it a Lamborghini?
2. How much did it cost?
It's a good thing he was far enough away that he couldn't see the "front speakers" on the hood
That Viper is gonna be quite the experience, I tell ya. It's all good
