I recently took the Cascade Sports Car Club novice track school and the subsequent track day. What a great time! The classroom was great and having JonB in the passenger seat giving me constant instruction/feedback was priceless. When I started the track day I was somewhat intimidated but, by the 4th session I was starting to feel like I could actualy drive my Viper at the limit. I still have a long way to go but, I am definitely a much much better driver even after just one weekend. JonB was great. He made me feel like a member of the "Viper Family" immediately. He even gave my friend and I rides in his beautiful and amazing ACR at lunch. I recommend any viper owner in the NW to come out and join us next time. The more vipers the better! If you want to be a better driver or even brush up on your skills the track is the place to do it. You will not regret it. Heck JonB even gave me a $50 credit at viperpartsrack! I also wanted to say I drove my Viper 200 miles there, ran it hard all day long and then drove 200 miles straight home with absolutley no issues at ALL! What an amazing car!
I look forward to seeing you at the track!!!!
I look forward to seeing you at the track!!!!