Cody, nobody is arguing the fact that Toby has been looking for a long time and has spent much time asking lots of questions. He is not the first, current or last to do so.
Do we attack them?
He has been always appreciative from what I can see to those with whom he has corresponded with. Toby posts that a deal is near done (whether it happens or not isn't the issue) and Eric bitterly attacks him for not buying his car after much correspondence and time. Again, SO WHAT.
Who hasn't wanted something they weren't quite ready for and spent lots of time researching...hoping to find a way to squeeze the purchase into their budget.
AGAIN, if you can't take the lookers...leave the selling to the adults who can. Wholesale your car and the dealers will be happy to handle the tirekickers and the buyers.
To be honest, the same thing has happened to me recently with club members on toys I am trying to move. We spoke continuously over weeks, I emailed pics, info, etc. In the end, he chose to go another route. I didn't like that but I didn't attack him on this or any other board. His CHOICE to not buy is not a reflection on him personally. I am a man and all grown up and I know how to handle disappointment. Apparently, some of us had better parents than others. Mine taught me well.
This all from a man (I really use the term loosely here) that BRAGGED about keying some woman's car that parked too close to his Viper (she didn't damage his car, just had the nerve to park too close.)
Cody, don't sully yourself.