Wish I could reply to defend you Scott!!
Wish I could reply to defend you Scott!!
I think this only illustrates what type of people they truly are and honestly they are worth replying to.
The same as the post the other day saying other tuners where saying ROE's SC would not stand the test of time, but unwilling to elaborate. I think that was pretty pathetic and nothing more than trying to stir something up. Very irresponsible and immature.
No need to post bits and pieces if you don't have the guts to tell the whole truth or lies in that case.
Dear Mr scapegoat,I am glad that you approve of my car and no its not for sale.As far as the S.C issue,you say that you must honor identities,if that is the case then dont bring them up as it is something that you cannot prove.I dont care how many S.C tuners you talk to,I would tend to believe that you are reading into what they are saying.Because i will tell you on the record that what you say is crap.While i do agree that when you start increasing boost outputs you must support it with a stronger bottom end,but for you to say that a twinn screw S.C properly tuned @ 5-6 lbs of boost is putting your bottom half in danger on a "creampuff",You are in fact speaking from hearsay not from facts and that my friend is where rumors and problems start.If you can show me one car that has damaged there lower half due to problems at that boost level i. will show you a car that had an unrelated problem i.e.N20,improper install,improper cam degreeing,tunning issues,overreving,ect,ect.until then i have some ricers to tuneIt was me that posted it and I still think that the car is riced out.
Also the SC topic was a question to all of you as I do consider SC for my car but was told by other tuner on VCA forum that I would need to spend 5K more just because my car is a crempuff. Call other tuners that do SC and ask them yourself if this is true. The problem here is that God forbid that somebody does not like something or a product does not work the person posting the info becomes an escape goat.
I also received a few e-mails from SC owners that told me the problems that they had with their cars. However they asked not to mention their names I wonder why? Is it because all of the people would try to help them? So I honor their requests by not giving out the names.
Not true, I too heard of 2 Vipers that went bang with s/c running 6lbs of boost. Call it hearsay, or a rumor but the person I heard it from would have nothing to benifit by lyingbut for you to say that a twinn screw S.C properly tuned @ 5-6 lbs of boost is putting your bottom half in danger on a "creampuff",You are in fact speaking from hearsay not from facts and that my friend is where rumors and problems start.
Guys this is a great point, we complain about our Vipers, to boost, not to boost,how much is to much.we dont realise how good we have it.All **** is breaking loose in other parts of the world,sometimes you just gotta sit back and think about how good we have it.Ok im stepping offAn escape goat?
If you lived in Iraq you would know what it is.