I've had a set of tires on my old rims sitting around the garage for a while. I just bought a set of R6's to go on the rims to use at the track, so I took the old tires off and just wanted to see if anybody had any use for them before I throw them away.
I have 2 rear PS2's (345/30/19) that are almost to the wear bars, but not quite there yet, and 1 front RunFlat (275/35/18) that is very old, but still has some tread. I assume it was one of the originals from my '03.
I have no idea if anyone might need one (or all) all of these, but let me know if you do. If you happen to be local and want to come pick them up, they are 100% free. If I need to ship them, I can ship them UPS with no box and just pay me whatever the actual shipping charges are.
I'm going to toss these things next week, so let me know quickly if you want them.
I have 2 rear PS2's (345/30/19) that are almost to the wear bars, but not quite there yet, and 1 front RunFlat (275/35/18) that is very old, but still has some tread. I assume it was one of the originals from my '03.
I have no idea if anyone might need one (or all) all of these, but let me know if you do. If you happen to be local and want to come pick them up, they are 100% free. If I need to ship them, I can ship them UPS with no box and just pay me whatever the actual shipping charges are.
I'm going to toss these things next week, so let me know quickly if you want them.