Okay re the craigslist ad "purchased it a few after selling my 97 GTS which I loved, but since the day I bought this it was a worlds apart from the GTS. Literally this car you can get in and drive and not worry about repair bills in the thousands, in fact most of the maintenance can even be done at home. " The two sentences have nothing to do with the GTS breaking down, they are two separate thoughts, I wrote the ad at 11am in bed, so maybe the wording wasn't right. But this GTS was a great car, I just personally like my SRT more.
Second off, I posted the car once before asking for a quick sale for an investment on a apartment building, I decided to keep the viper and just went 50/50 with a friend on the building. Now I have decided to list it, I DO NOT NEED TO SELL IT , but if the right price comes I will. I need something awd for winter, I drove a GT and S550 and loved the both of them, and want one. But I can not get everything I want, so if the viper doesn't sell by November, no big deal I will keep it for another year. And if it does, I sure as heck will be back with another one by spring, I have had a Gen 1, 2, and 3, so you can count on me getting a 4 sooner or later!!!
Now to all of you that think my car is garbage.. I go to every IL VCA meeting, have someone look at my car there this Wednesday, and then post there opinion on here.