I stopped by a local cruise night this evening after work. Good turnout of cars and spectators. I was having a great time talking to people and swapping stories and such and of course it couldn't last. So I'm standing by my GTS and 8 or 10 people gather to check out my car. So here comes 3 nerdy 16 or 17 year old kids. So the one who is apparently the Chief Nerd parks himself next to me and blurts out. "So how much is it ?" in his not big enough for his body voice. So I reply "why you want to make me an offer" He becomes visibly frustrated and all of the normal spectators start to look uncomfortable. So he snipes again... "No... I want to know how much you paid for it ?" So I reply "Why... are you in the market for one" Hes retorts... "Why can't you just tell me ?" Now people start looking an walking away and I just hang my head. I look up and say "well this car cost 70 something thousand in 1998. He replies... "So how can you afford that... what do you do for a living ?" I'm thinking *** I say nothing and he goes on..."are you a contractor or something" So now I 'm thinking that he may have been hired by my ex-frikin wife So I look at him and say... I'm in Banking.... He says Banking Hmmmm So he nods his head a few times and starts to walk away but turns back and looks like he's going to do an about face 3 times before he actually leaves... The looks on people's faces were priceless...