This was a busy weekend for the GA-VCA. Yesterday was our Christmas party and we had two charity events this weekend. Before the party, 3 of us met in Norcross, GA to attend a church's Christmas program for needy kids. The kids were able to pose with Santa, get a free gift and then pose by the Vipers and get rides around the parking lot in the Vipers. It was 3 Vipers total, a b/w GTS, a red GTS, and mine. There were a bunch of kids there so a few times we would take 2 kids at once if they were small enough to fit in the passenger seat.
In the back of the church was a big wide open parking lot (no cars, people, etc) so when we got there thats when we would go pretty fast. After about an hour of rides, the other 2 Vipers had started another ride with kids and I put 2 kids in my car and took off. When I got to the parking lot in the back I noticed the other 2 Vipers were going really slow. When I got down there a city policecar turns in the other end of the parking lot and I was like "awww man, whats he want?" About that time he hits his blue lights and stops all 3 of us
He went to the red GTS and I heard him say someone had reported "2 red cars racing in the parking lot"
To the cop's credit as soon as the guy in the red GTS explained it was a church function the cop said "as long as you have the church's permission, I'm all for it" and left. But it was still kinda nerve racking being pulled over for speeding when you have 3 people in a 2 seater
p.s.--what kinda person calls the cops on people during a charity ride event?
In the back of the church was a big wide open parking lot (no cars, people, etc) so when we got there thats when we would go pretty fast. After about an hour of rides, the other 2 Vipers had started another ride with kids and I put 2 kids in my car and took off. When I got to the parking lot in the back I noticed the other 2 Vipers were going really slow. When I got down there a city policecar turns in the other end of the parking lot and I was like "awww man, whats he want?" About that time he hits his blue lights and stops all 3 of us

p.s.--what kinda person calls the cops on people during a charity ride event?