Sorry to bring this up again but my garage is close to completion and I am measuring 11' 2" from floor to ceiling height, is that enough comfortable clearance for a 4 post lift?
11 2 will be fine...
I have 12ft and have alot of extra room stacking my Road Runner and the Viper with the lift all the way up (Revolution).
That's good math and seems to be about what I have left 8" or so divided between the two cars and the ceiling. Although I swear it looks like 4-5 inches between the cars and a foot from the top of car to the ceiling.
Be aware it's not just about the measurements, it's where the locks are on a particular lift. And if it gets tight like mine with a nine foot ceiling or you put a normal sized car in the equation that is significantly higher than 4' you better know where the locks are. Why? Because once you hit the lock you have to RAISE the lift as much as 4 inchs to UNLOCK.
For example with the measurements on my lift we who participated in the install were pretty sure we could hit the next lock up rather than the one we are using BUT if we guessed wrong we would be knocking dry wall and some rafters out to let the GTS up the last few inchs to unlock so we did not push it as it worked with just a few inches between the two cars.
My lift is a Perfect Park and I was lucky enough to buy it very slightly used from another member so we had the advantage of measuring where the locks stopped before we disassembled it for transport.
Had I not had that opportunity I would have gone with Revolution as they have a great chart on their website that marks off where the locks are. You might want to look at it. I also think Ab can get deals on that one.
Another hot tip involves the garage door. The hoods on our cars are very low, so if the top car is BACKED in you gain a lot of room. We also relocated the ends of the tracks upwards about 8 inches or so. By that I mean we just angled the inside ends up a few notches on their brackets, bent them up so to speak. Then angled the middle rail that the opener travels on the same degree up. So now when the garage door opens it just goes up hill about 8-10 inches. No relocating of anything else. Works fine.
Have to give Byon Muller, our local Viper Tuner credit for that one, he came up with it.
Won't matter how high your garage ceiling is if the doors don't track right up tight against the ceiling.
I have a friend with a Viper over a Ford GT....or vice versa....with a 8'6" ceiling height. He has a 4 post Eagle lift.
How about this approach, I have used a creeper chair for over three years and would not go back raising the lift to a standing/working height. If you use a creeper chair with a back support you will find it far easier on the back and less tiring. I believe I lift the car about 48". For some work I will actually drop the car a bit lower.