**Gary Almond in the Albuquerque hospital**


Feb 27, 2001
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I can't possibly express how thankful I am for all your kind words and thoughts. I've received many calls and emails from my friends and even made a few new ones this week. It's not the easiest thing laying in a hospital in a town where you don't have friends or family. But the support I've received is truly amazing.

I'm one of those stubborn types who shuns medical attention, but I got way over my head this time. I tried to "work it out" on my own for about 10 days before it was almost too late, but I am recovering quite well and hope to be released in the next couple of days.

I'd like to thank John ACR who was traveling through Albuquerque on business and took time out of his incredibly busy schedule to visit me.

Also, I want to thank my friend Jason Heffner for all his help back home. Jason jumped into action and volunteered to take care of my personal matters back home without flinching. It's great to have friends you can count on.

Now, let me tell you about Bill. I went to drop off his car at his girlfriend's house on Monday morning. I wasn't feeling too bad when I left the motel that morning, but by the time I got to his girlfriend's house, I couldn't catch my breath. It was like having run a sprint for a mile when in actuality, I had only walked a few feet. It was clear I was in trouble.

After we unloaded the car, I went inside the house and things were spiraling downward. I made the decision I needed to go to the hospital but Bill had beat me to the decision and had already called a friend of his who heads the ER department. Bill drove me to the hospital and they whisked me right into a bed when I got there. I never received more attention so quickly. It was awesome.

Bill stuck around for quite a while and made sure I was taken care of before he left. Bill's a pilot for a major airline and was off-duty for the next 5 or 6 days. He told me I was lucky he had the next few days off so he could look after me!! I'm not the kind of person who accepts help very easily, but I couldn't believe Bill's generosity.

Now, I had never met Bill before that morning other than talking to him on the phone to arrange the transport of his car. Yet, Bill treated me like one of the family. Bill has come by the hospital every day and on several occasions his girlfriend and her kids have come by as well. They have brought me magazines, DVDs, and even went out and got dinner for me the first night. I just can't tell you how much Bill and Lorena's generosity and concern has meant to me. It's something I'll never forget. Thank you Bill!

After a couple of weeks of (required) rest, I'll be back on the road transporting awesome cars again. I'll see you then!

John ACR

Oct 2, 2000
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It was a pleasure to meet you and I wish I could have only spent more time with you. Next time we meet you better not be in a Hospital. :cool:
A Speedy Viper Recovery to you :)

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