Billy Glidden and some others may debate you on that![]()
A displacement supercharger like the Roe tends to increase the torque substantially more at lower rpm than a supercharger like the Paxton. That torque for the same peak power will probably be in the 10-20% range. That stresses the driveline that much more. Period! Plus, since it is available during normal driving, there is a tendency to apply that torque more often. Anyone who thinks, even for a minute, that additional torque does not decrease the life of the drivetrain just plain does not understand physics. I do not care about an example here or there. Physics is physics. There is a reason the SRT changed the transmission, clutch and differential for 2008. That reason is TORQUE. Torque is the force that fatigues shafts, bearings and the like. Horsepower increases the frequency of the loading, thus also reducing the life. But if you ever looked at an S/N curve you will note that frequency and stress do not have equivalent impact on fatigue life spans.
No one that I saw mentioned stress on the engine. But if it continues to be a non-interecooled supercharger it can indeed induce more thermal stress. But the simple fact is that torque is made by the force on the piston, pushing the connecting rod through the crankshaft journal. That MUST increase the loading on each component in the system. What is okay with a Gen 2 forged connecting rod engine may not be okay with a powder metal 2005+ rod.
Bottom line is I have not heard of a failure of a Paxton that was not due to a very poor tune (usually due to some system failure like the fuel pump or upgrades beyond the Paxton itself). I cannot say the same for Roe systems, which as we know are very temperature and tune sensitive due to the lack of an intercooler and post supercharger inlet temperature sensor.
i think the roe is great when at that level steve is at. they seem to be PERFECT there. anything more im not sure of.....
steve do you run W/M on that one ?
and god bless ya, with that many miles on it, GOOD FOR YOU !
Steve, I was more speaking of those that increase the Roe performance level up to abouut the same as the Paxton for overall performance. I believe that would be an 8 psi version on a Gen II. Your peak torque is not much different than mine (approx 600 lb-ft), but based on the technology comes on sooner and acts more like a larger displacement engine. That is effectively what positive displacement superchargers do. Becasue the efficiency is fairly constant tuning should indeed be more straight forward than with nonlinear devices such as the centrifugal supercharger. Some of that tuning potential is thrown away with the Roe based on the location of the inlet temperature sensor. As the engine controller does not know the actual inlet temperature. Given that it is not intercooled the ratio of actual inlet temperature versus airbox temperature is fairly predictable. If you know the boost, supercharger efficiency and the initial inlet temperature you can reasonably calculate the supercharger outlet temperature. Throw on a intercooler and that predictability goes out the window. Conversely, the Paxton uses a post intercooler temperature sensor. The boost may not be predictable but engine control is straight forward as air flow calculations using inlet pressure and temperature (both down stream of the intercooler) follow the normal logic of speed density control, which the Viper is from 1992 through 2006.
I agree about the limitations of the IAT sensor on the Roe. As you state without W/M shooting into the intake tubes, It becomes easier to equate. I think it becomes a relative thing if basing tuning on the WB AFR result. The VEC 3 IAT addition, while not perfect, works quite well for me. But along those same lines, wouldn't it also be a relative relationship with the W/M and IAT function? In other words, can't the resultant AFR be used to add or subtract fuel?
As to the additional fatigue provided by the superchargers increased torque, yes it is indeed lessened by the limitation in tire slip while in lower gears slip occurs. But all slip is not equal. If you cause dramiatic slip (i.e. quick, not so much the final slip speed) the torque translates to driveline acceleration. So if all you do is "just" slip the tires the tires act as a torque fuse. But if you accelerate them rapidly the entire driveline sees a higher torque than the tires themselves can absorb. Once you are in higher gears the full torque is applied to all components upstream of the engaged transmission gears. So WOT forays in higher gears do indeed stress the engine, clutch and forward transmission elements. Components downstream of the transmission torque multiplication also see proportionally higher torque, though lower than that seen in higher numerical gear (i.e 1st) . But since fatigue life is a composite of all load cycles, an increase at any point degrades the longevity. There is no question that any method of increasing engine performance will deteriorate component life as a result.
What the ultimate life of the components depends on so many factors it is not predictable. But lessened life is absolute. Your driving style has much to do with it. And since much of your mileage has been long distance I would bet your WOT time is way less than the average on a per mile driven basis. Unless of course you drive at top speed
Yeah but....Let's say a stock Viper can go at 200,000 miles without issue -- and a induced motor goes 50,000 less ( these being completely arbitrary numbers ).........isn't it a moot argument? At 80,000, I already have more miles than most reading here will ever experience...with no problems to date (knock on wood). In other words, lessened life may be absolute, but that amount of miles will likely never be seen by 99% of all Vipers. BTW. This last 1100 mile trip to G-Man (100 track miles) saw me use less than 1/4 qt of oil (some through the intake) over the entire trip. Not bad for almost 80K on the clock and oil changes, with analysis, every 6-10K miles.
You are correct about many of our miles being long distance. I would guess about 50-60%. That being said, I probably drive around here daily no different than the majority of Vipers. A bread and milk run will routinely see my foot mashed to the floor. In that respect, my WOT miles are the same, and more (about 4,500 non road trip miles per season), than most. Next, throw in probably 3 dozen xcrosses and 6 or 7 all day track events, and we've evened the playing field some. I do agree that my set up at 5 pounds is the easiest to tune and the least ******* the entire drive train. But then, that's my whole point in throwing this into this thread. Keep it simple and you should be able to drive your Roe car w/o issue for as long as you choose to.
Didn't you tell me recently that you had some noise coming from the Paxton area now? And also that you do notice some heat soak at G-man? I have a lot more miles on my Roe than you have on your Paxton.
We should learn from what we have observed. That is at every significant increase in engine torque the Viper has upgraded the driveline elements as they needed it. And a Gen III Paxton produces a peak torque fairly close to the 2008. You do the math.
I'll leave the math for the engineers.
Excellent point! You are very logical, sure you arent a Vulcan?Hi again Keith. There's another way to look at the whole thing. None of us knows whether we are even going to wake up tomorrow. Why wait for the Roe. Put in the Paxton. It does not cost that much. When the Roe does come out, if it comes out, remove the Paxton and put in the Roe. I think the fun factor is worth at least 200 dollars a day. So if its 50 days until the Roe comes out after the Paxton is installed, you have lost nothing and gained a great time. ( the cost of the paxton installed is about 10K.)
I've had both.....Roe and Paxton.....I like both of them. I don't need any more on the low end with the Gen 3 and 3:55's and the Paxton......I installed the Paxton myself for $6,200. Complete! (Turned 10.38 at 138.8mph with a 1.71 60ft time with 750ft air on a 67 degree day with 7% humidity......the track was mediocre......) Paxton, $6,200.....I wonder if the Roe will be that "resonable"? My Roe cost me $7,200 and that was 5 years ago! A friend (a GOOD friend) installed it for me at NO cost!
Steve, I was more speaking of those that increase the Roe performance level up to abouut the same as the Paxton for overall performance. I believe that would be an 8 psi version on a Gen II. Your peak torque is not much different than mine (approx 600 lb-ft), but based on the technology comes on sooner and acts more like a larger displacement engine. That is effectively what positive displacement superchargers do. Becasue the efficiency is fairly constant tuning should indeed be more straight forward than with nonlinear devices such as the centrifugal supercharger. Some of that tuning potential is thrown away with the Roe based on the location of the inlet temperature sensor. As the engine controller does not know the actual inlet temperature. Given that it is not intercooled the ratio of actual inlet temperature versus airbox temperature is fairly predictable. If you know the boost, supercharger efficiency and the initial inlet temperature you can reasonably calculate the supercharger outlet temperature. Throw on a intercooler and that predictability goes out the window. Conversely, the Paxton uses a post intercooler temperature sensor. The boost may not be predictable but engine control is straight forward as air flow calculations using inlet pressure and temperature (both down stream of the intercooler) follow the normal logic of speed density control, which the Viper is from 1992 through 2006.
As to the additional fatigue provided by the superchargers increased torque, yes it is indeed lessened by the limitation in tire slip while in lower gears slip occurs. But all slip is not equal. If you cause dramiatic slip (i.e. quick, not so much the final slip speed) the torque translates to driveline acceleration. So if all you do is "just" slip the tires the tires act as a torque fuse. But if you accelerate them rapidly the entire driveline sees a higher torque than the tires themselves can absorb. Once you are in higher gears the full torque is applied to all components upstream of the engaged transmission gears. So WOT forays in higher gears do indeed stress the engine, clutch and forward transmission elements. Components downstream of the transmission torque multiplication also see proportionally higher torque, though lower than that seen in higher numerical gear (i.e 1st) . But since fatigue life is a composite of all load cycles, an increase at any point degrades the longevity. There is no question that any method of increasing engine performance will deteriorate component life as a result.
What the ultimate life of the components depends on so many factors it is not predictable. But lessened life is absolute. Your driving style has much to do with it. And since much of your mileage has been long distance I would bet your WOT time is way less than the average on a per mile driven basis. Unless of course you drive at top speed
We should learn from what we have observed. That is at every significant increase in engine torque the Viper has upgraded the driveline elements as they needed it. And a Gen III Paxton produces a peak torque fairly close to the 2008. You do the math.
Noise is from the Paxton bearing itself. Something I noticed over time that bearing noise has increased. Lubrication has been verified and could just be a normal aging effect. I have nearly 25,000 miles on my Paxton and I would expect that mine, with many less highway miles, has a higher ratio of WOT activity. I also rarely drive without investigating the performance envelope.
Bearing noise of any sort, unless from new, would not seem a good thing. I guess we're about even on the miles. My mistake. I thought you told me 16K on the blower / 25K on the car this spring? You well may have a higher ratio of WOT miles, but likely not more than me.
Heat soak is a physical characteristic and does not indicate anything with respect to durability (though it does impact thermal loading of the exhaust valve and exaust system). It means decreasing performance as the inlet temperatures build. That can be caused by a variety of factors. In this case it is because the Paxton intercooler system cannot keep up with the heat addition under continuous or near continuous high rpm conditions (note this is rpm and not WOT related). Becasue the Paxton has a post intercooler temperature sensor the ECU measures the inlet temperature and "protects" the motor by retarding spark and adding additonal fuel. Those factors plus the reduced volumetric efficiency related to the temperature itself is the cause for heat soaked power loss. These are part of the base engine calibration.
Again higher RPMs contributing to heat soak -- not good for the GEN II valve train. I don't run high RPMs ever. In closed loop, doesn't my stock pcm do the same as you are stating. At WOT, I can achieve a cruder form of the engine calibration by limiting the temp I remove fuel at. I currently stop removing fuel at 126F IAT
One thing is clear here. You speak of how easy it is to calibrate the Roe. But the fact that you have needed to do that and spend many hours doing so under a variety of conditions belies the fact that it is not easy and must be done so uniquely for every vehicle and driving location. If you moved to the mountains you would be redoing it completely. With the Paxton, and any well sorted system, you would just drive it. I have not adjusted or calibrated anything beyond the 6000 - 6200 rpm fuel map points, and those were done over 4 years ago. Not one second in calibration since. And those points were for my own satisfaction. I would expect the majority of Paxton owners install and drive.
Can't argue this point, although I have taken some of this further than was probably necessary. I fully intended to be engaged with this from day one. Dave B. has never touched his install tune card from Sean. Jerry W either, after a road trip to Sean. At the time I bought the Roe, you & I talked and the consensus was that the GEN II Paxton kit was not fully sorted out for a DIY project at that time. As I'm a long way from any Paxton or Roe installers, the decision became pretty clear cut for me. Excellent vendor back up from Sean and I have zero regrets.
As to the 200,000 mile durability and 50,000 mile reduction estimate I will send you a typical s-n curve for steel (s-n curves relates stress and cycles for fatigue analysis). That way you can see how a stress change of 50-70% can impact the fatigue limit. remember in all supersharged engines the actual applied force on the piston (IMEP) is higher than on a naturally aspirated motor of the same output. Simply because the piston energy must also drive the supercharger, which may be in the 50-100 hp range. So a stock engine with 450 lb-ft increased to 600 lb ft (33% increase) may actually have a IMEP increase of 50%. A 50% increase in stress will reduce the fatigue life by a substatial margin. Your "hope" is that all of the power delivery components have been well overdesigned. That is aligned with my hope, but hope is all it is. If the hope is not realised it will be $$$ in place of hope.
Hilarious!Wow! Lots of detail here now. From my "living with these systems" point of view, I still stand by my comments with the Whipple/Roe/Saleen/Lyscolm set-up. For me it hsa proven the best.
In the end, I would rather screw than blow, but that is just me.
Why would you need a clutch or transmission upgrade with a Roe? We are not talking about 1000 ft/lbs here.
Also the statement that the Roe puts more stress on the engine is debatable. The most stress on an engine comes from high RPM’s with max boost. With a Roe you do not have to go to redline to get the power out of it, most times I shift at 5200. However with a Paxton you need RPM's to get power. You would never short shift a Paxton because you could leave 50 wheel on the table. For that reason every time you make a pull you would want to go to redline to get the most out of it. The bottom line is, if you want more than 700rwhp go with Paxton as it can make big power. If 650rw is what you want it is hard to beat the Roe.
I installed the Paxton starting in November of the first year I had it. Something like 3-4k when installed. Supercharger friction horsepower is related to airflow and pressure rise. Efficiency comes into play but not that much different when comparing the peak drive power points. Efficiency graphs of various types of superchargers are available. No doubt the twin screw is good. The centrifugal is not that much lower. Where it fails in comparison is the lineararity in producing flow (which translates to boost).
To my knowledge no gasoline engine for a production car is designed to live a minimum of 200k miles. Especially in the conditions you state (road racing in 100 F ). That type of expectation, especially for a high performance application is not reasonable. Unless of course you want a car engine like a diesel truck.
This whole topic is about Gen III supercharging. The Gen II Paxton is not as well sorted as you know. As such the Gen II choice you made was the best choice. And no one knows how well sorted the Gen III Roe will be. What we do know is that it requires a new hood. I have not heard if it is intercooled and how its control system is architected beyond Sean stating that it would not use a VEC
I talked with Dave (Jim C's mechanic) about his setup. That was part of got me thinking about doing that. More fluid volume and a place for airflow that does not adversely impact engine cooling.
Wow! Lots of detail here now. From my "living with these systems" point of view, I still stand by my comments with the Whipple/Roe/Saleen/Lyscolm set-up. For me it hsa proven the best.
In the end, I would rather screw than blow, but that is just me.
im not so sure about that Keith but id like to prove it one way or another one day.
Thanks Sean. Overall efficiency looks lower than I would have expected. I expected more like 75% - 80% peak adiabatic efficiency. A peak power draw of a little over 60 hp seems reasonable for the pressure and flow.
Are you planning for an intercooler or just protect for the 80+C temp rise? If intercooled are you planning on relocating the temp sensor to the discharge side?
With a mass flow of 34 kg/min at a maximum I am not seeing the capacity to achieve the 0.6 bar test condition. The 8.3L engine should be fairly close to 14-15 kg/min at 3000 rpm (mid speed point on the graph). The output at that speed shows only about 17 kg/min, which would provide about a 0.13-.21 bar or 2-3 psi boost. Am I missing something? Maybe you are overdriving it such that at engine red-line the supercharger shaft speed is more than the maximum on the graph. If so the delta T at the peak speed would start to become problematic one would think.