Hi 1BADGTS. I would not run my car hard at Homestead Speedway for 25 minutes in 90 degree weather. In fact, unless a car was specially prepared for this level of outside heat, I would not run it regardless of whether it was NA or supercharged. ( In this regard, I have seen heavily modified NA engines experience problems. I am sure that you have too.) But I can assure you that during the 25 minute runs I have made on the 2.2 mile road course, the car was not babied and heat soak was not a significant issue. Admittedly, the outside temperature on each occasion so far was at or below 80 degrees with low humidity. I suspect that you are right in that if you ran a stock Gen IV and a Gen III with a stock Paxton kit in 90 degree, higher humidity weather, the stock Gen IV is going to perform better after a while. However, if the Gen III then was modified to deal with these conditions, the story might be different. I think the key to my experience is the fact that I have not stretched the envelope. It is a stock Paxton kit with a good and safe tune. I think that Paxton did an excellent job engineering and testing the product. I also think that Mark Jorgensen at Woodhouse did an excellent job installing the system and that Mark Leslie at University Dodge does an excellent job making sure that my car is always in tip top shape. As you know, attention to detail and proper maintainence are crucial to safe performance driving.