Viper Grenade, PLEASE go to another tuner. You are exactly the kind of explosively ridiculous customer I do not need. You might want to look up the definition of the term "hypocrite". On one hand, you are saying how highly I think of myself... and on the other, trying to explain to me how highly I should think of you, and how much I should care that I "lost" you as a customer. "How dare he not firmly latch his lips onto my backside! He should cater to ME, I am the CUSTOMER!" Sound familiar? Newsflash: You weren't a customer before, and with your ridiculous requests and out-of-proportion attitude, you never would have made it to being one. The simple fact that you blew one laughable comment into a multi-post attack just goes to show how mature you really are. I wish you all the best in your build, with whoever it may be.
I am glad to see there is SOME life around the forums these days, regardless of what form it happens to
PS- Thanks Tom, DPViper and NineBall. And Will... you are sure spending a lot of time creeping on this thread. I see you

... If you want me to put your name down on the list, just say so
Oh... and On Topic.
I had a new idea today... and it didn't even hurt that much
If I can make it work, it will make my previous take on this solution all but archaic by comparison- I see some absolutely incredible potential with this latest iteration. Stay tuned.
That being said... who has Gen-4 that would volunteer to be the first for prototype development at a discount? I do not have any truly "straight Gen-4" cars around here that will ever see the light of day for modifications, and my own test car is simply not "Gen-4 enough" to test on any longer. No time frame is specified at the moment, but someone remotely close would probably be a bonus.