It's been a few weeks since I've whined about this, so just in case anyone from DC is listening ..... I want a Gen III Coupe now and I'm ready to make a formal purchase commitment today!
How many others out there are willing to do likewise? Perhaps if DC realizes the profit potential (after all DC is in business to turn a profit), they just might get off their duffs and give a meaningful portion of the Viper Community what we've been screaming for. I repeat, I want a Gen III Coupe now! Anyone else care to join the choir?
How many others out there are willing to do likewise? Perhaps if DC realizes the profit potential (after all DC is in business to turn a profit), they just might get off their duffs and give a meaningful portion of the Viper Community what we've been screaming for. I repeat, I want a Gen III Coupe now! Anyone else care to join the choir?