The only thing the public puts forth as tax breaks to the rich under Bush have to do with captial gains tax, which is 15% (FED) + XX% (State) currently through to 2010, when the FED % comes up for review. Nobama will jack that up if he gets in. That is why so many companies are merging nowadays. They want the tax benefits while they are there.
As far as personal taxes for the rich, I too am not seeing it. Damn AMT every fricken' year, no matter what I do. Can't write off a damn thing. That needs to be removed and yes a FLAT tax for all. Never happen unfortunately because the current system employs too many people.
Sorry but the only economic stimulus package that works are to provide tax breaks for the middle class, upper class and ultra tich. Everything trickles down from there. Think about it, people with money spend it, people without money save. Mone saved isn't doing anything for the ecomony except earn interested for the individual saving it.
Okay putting the soap box away.
Oh yah! Can't see a Gen V Viper. Sorry! I am very happy it stuck around long enough for me to buy a brand new one in 06' I can't complain and no one can take anything away from the Viper team for giving us 20 (potential end date) great years. I am satisfied.