As you well know, after 90,000 Viper miles, we couldn't agree more Bill

I think you just became my hero

Thanks. We may have a lot of road miles, but Bill & Diane get the trophy for days on the road / length of trip. That is an enviable accomplishment! ...and they have another 'little road trip' planned for this fall. I doubt there is anyone reading this that can match 26 days / 8400 miles in one trip.
Back on task.
We carry 2 cans of fix a flat and a plug kit. There is nothing goofier looking on a Viper than a donut.....or harder to deal with 'where to put the flat tire' when luggage is aboard. I would rather have the option of the fix a flat or plug kit (if possible to do) to get me to a tire place. We have participated in the donut option once before....after a Gingerman track day several years ago. It wasn't our car (and the tire was shredded), but a real hassle until Ralph Gilles made a special trip from Gingerman over to where we were cart our friend's car back to Detroit on his trailer. EXTREMELY nice of him to do this as he was planning on spending the week end at Gingerman and went back to G-man after dropping the car off in Ann Arbor
The V1 is on the windshield 100% of the time