Ah. What can I say? You know street racing is bad and stupid, but you get excited by the thrill of it. If only you would go to your local track and actually learn to drive... I teach all of my students that I have yet to find someone who didn't know how to push the accelerator - there is no glory for the driver. (If you are the tuner, maybe, but certainly not the driver.) When I instruct, I am constantly having to explain to the other instructors that not all Viper owners have bigger balls than brains, but all too frequently Viper owners end up making the Vette guys looking intelligent. Sheesh.
A friend of mine in town (some of you know how so I won't mention his name and incriminate the guilty) was cruising in his 2003 and decided to take an empty bridge at about 120MPH. The cop car pulls up behind him, but doesn't turn on his lights. My buddy takes off through the downtown area (deserted). To make a long story short, they added several police cars, but none of the cars ever turned on their lights. He ended up cutting a deal at the courthouse for a hefty fine and some points. The police decided they didn't want to risk it since they hadn't turned on their lights and my buddy didn't want to risk losing his car and going to jail. He is now thinking of selling his car or at least getting something else and driving at the track so he gets it out of his system.
(Of course, going to the track doesn't necessarily mean smart. Check out this Viper owner who decided to skip practice and start from the back of a race just months after wrecking the car.
http://www.elams.org/Racing/2002/Kershaw%202002%20Summer/Viper_small.mpg )