Got my custom hoodpad from VenomBlue550 - IT\'S KILLER!
Opened the HUGE box today, and it's just perfect! Paint work is awesome, no bends, no creases, just perfect!
For any of you have already done this, How the h#!! do I get it on?
I'm afraid to pull to ******* the flat t-handle looking black plastic do-dads. I'm not sure if they will break or if they will go back and still hold tight or not.
Should I have gotten new tabs with the pad? Do I need new tabs or not? If I need new ones what should I expect to pay for them?
Opened the HUGE box today, and it's just perfect! Paint work is awesome, no bends, no creases, just perfect!
For any of you have already done this, How the h#!! do I get it on?
I'm afraid to pull to ******* the flat t-handle looking black plastic do-dads. I'm not sure if they will break or if they will go back and still hold tight or not.
Should I have gotten new tabs with the pad? Do I need new tabs or not? If I need new ones what should I expect to pay for them?