Got the call! Sigh...


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
Well, got a call from Viper Headquarters today: "Chris, we are calling to let you know your SRT is done and ready to be picked up at the factory!"

"Oh, wow", I reply in a rather subdued voice.

"That's it? Your new SRT-10 is waiting for you and 'oh, wow' is it?", she replied in amusement.

Indeed, my SRT is now built, inspected, signed off, and ready to go. I had asked for factory pick up way back last summer. Of course, I think it was originally slated for an August build, so I figured I would have decent weather when it was released - at least no snow. I had picked up my 2000 GTS at the factory on November 18, 1999 (a day I will NEVER forget). Unfortunately, a factory pick up won't be in the cards this time for a couple reasons.

First, they are scheduling the first factory pick ups on January 14th and 21st. Too far off to predict the weather. As I don't have a trailer (enclosed or otherwise), I won't risk having to drive it home in winter weather. I lucked out on the 2000 and had good weather most of the way home (three snowflakes and a little rain). At 932 miles including stops at some relatives homes, it is too far to roll the dice on possible snow.

Second, the factory pick up program is limiting you to one guest this time around. Don't know if there is anything special given for the factory pick ups (there wasn't before), but I assume it is because they plan several factory pickups during that time. Indeed, we drove up the Family Truckster (ala National Lampoon's Vacation) and we had a fantastic time. With two boys that are even bigger Viper fans than I am, there is no way I could pick this car up without them.

Finally, my precarious financial position (refinancing my house and making a career change) has caused me to go a different financing route. My dealer says that now that Vinny the Loanshark is involved, a factory pick up is out. Jerry's idea of "co-owners" isn't too far off, and it may mean that my SRT may be sitting in somebody else's garage for a little bit. Not to worry, while paying the vig to keep my kneecaps intact, I think I can still give a pretty lengthy review and definitely LOTS of pictures to satisfy all the photo cravings out there.

Hopefully they will be able to "update" my order and get it on a truck pretty soon. I am seriously fired up!! Oh, and if any of you are considering a factory pick up, I would HIGHLY recommend it. You get to meet many of the fantastic people that build these incredible cars, as well as watch much of how it is done. I wouldn't hesitate if the circumstances were a little different!


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