I know for a fact that laser is in use in CA. We even got a nice demo of a laser unit from a Santa Clara city motor officer before a recent Viper Club meeting (he was sitting out front of the restaurant where we meet). They're in use in many local cities - though I don't know if the CHP is using them, which may be what you are referring to; but a city ticket is pretty much the same as a CHP ticket as far as insurance goes.I dont need it yet in CA because CA doesnt use laser (not approved yet). I can't wait for CA to change from KA to Laser. The day they do, ill have 0 worries. right now when KA goes off, i need to slow down.
As far as the effectiveness of laser countermeasures - good luck; I've yet to see a reputable test indicate you are immune to laser speed measurement systems with any of the existing countermeasure systems. Since most laser countermeasures are legal, some do indeed seem to reduce the effectiveness of the laser in some instances (unlike radar jamming, which is against FCC regs, laser jamming is still legal until they start legislating light a lot closer). Yet, if the officer aims at a headlight or a front license plate, most countermeasures are useless or only slightly effective.