I told Haggerty that I went to a road course 1-2 times per year just as a tune up of my old skills.Didn't drive the car 10/10 just did some sliding around at 8-9/10 taking out the wife,kids nephews,nieces etc.I told them I did not expect them to cover me out there.They said they would not issue me any policy period when they found out the car might be track driven.So I said how about a TSD rally that I have been going to for over 25 years.This TSD rally is for kids at a school for the blind and the navigator reading brail is of course blind and thrilled to touch,feel,be in,listen to, any type sports car.Again No coverage no policy.Grundy pretty much the same.I plainly pointed out that this was not a competetion,I was not racing,The blind school was a charity event.NO coverage offered.I supposed I could have lied,but I said screw them. Bruce