Gumball Rally Started thursday night. Cars impounded.


Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Some great posts here.

The fact is on the unlimited speed autobahns in Europe the road toll is much less than in the USA or here in NZ per mile driven/vehicles on road. However - that does not mean it would be the case if both our countries adopted the same policies on the better roads.... for reasons outlined above...

In Europe - there are two lanes for travelling and a third is for speed or overtaking. If you dick around on the third lane and don't keep an eye on your rear vision mirror at all times and move over well in advance - you become public enemy number one - NOT THE SPEEDSTER.

The psyche of US and NZ drivers however is to "compete" therefore we get brainless thoughts in drivers heads like "If 75mph is good enough for me its good enough for the punk behind me!" As long as that kind of spirit lies in the minds of many drivers it would be chaos to open up the road laws without major re-education.

Then there is another fact that no one here has touched on: Not all drivers are as competent as you are, in fact the vast majority of drivers would not be capable of safely handling a controlled slide or a crisis defensive driving situation, or anything out of the ordinary for them. This does not make them dick heads or morons - they either simply do not have the judgement to access approaching speeds that you take for granted, nor the judgement to cope with too many things happening around them at once. They may be very good at other things - but in this they have all the can cope with just driving normally. It may be they are not able to drive a lot better due to the way their brain functions, or it may be they have simply never been taught - whatever - when you fly past one of these drivers twice their speed - it might be safe as houses to you - but it scares the absolute **** out of them.

They did not know to glance at their rear view mirror every 7 seconds, so did not know you were behind. The sound and visual as you flash by panics them - especially if you (like I have so many times - its taken me 20 years to work out - thanks to my wife :) that it frightens people) cut back in quickly after you pass. Even though you have not cut them off as you are going so much faster and there is no way they could hit you once passed.

What do people do when they panic?

They may swerve in fright - and might do anything irrational.

That is why some of them ph the cops - to us it was a walk in the park and we passed grandma or [******] along the way. To them it seemed like we were on a death march. Their brain just cannot cope with the speed we drove at. And that could be your sweet old grandma you love dearly or it could be the executive next door who simply can't drive like you and can't therefore comprehend how you can do that safely.

Lesson - be considerate of others when we come across traffic. People who have driven fast like us on this board (I've driven literally hundreds of thousands
of miles at speeds averaging over 80mph and many of those over 100mph thru twisty turns and mostly on what you would call secondary 2 lane - 1 each way roads) have a totally different mental reference to driving than Jo average who has abided by the speed limit plus a bit at times. When we came up behind them to pass at warp 9 - they have no clue we're coming. And we wondered why they would sometimes pull suddenly out in front of us to pass something in front of them while we used all our driving experience to scrub off enough speed to avoid rear-ending them and cursing their stupidity!

YES they did a stupid thing to pull out without looking - here's the point - GET OVER IT! That is what we have to deal with and thank God we survived our stupid years... if we are good drivers we have to drive taking into account the most stupid person in front of us or alongside us. That's the burden we must carry - thinking for the thoughtless drivers around us - if we wish to aovid a posible accident we didn't expect.

When the road is open however and the visibility good - hey - lets enjoy our freedom - and hope no cop is lying in wait.

re being a tittle tat - I'm the last to worry about reasonably competent fast driving - however I have called the cops once for dangerous driving - a lunatic in a hot V8 saloon and a woman (his wife?) passed me at warp speed into oncoming traffic - a huge semi! The truck swerved to the shoulder I did the same - [******] shot thru the middle and if we hadn't done that he would have been jellimeat into 42 ton of truck. If that wasn't enough - I caught this guy up 15 minutes later (he was not a young punk - he looked like a businessman) - he got caught behind traffic - a max sized B-Train (a 34 wheeler 2 trailer semi)... so what does our hero do - he powers his V8 out to pass this 60ft rig into a blind sweeper - only to find another semi coming the other way - this time he literally gets crossed up with smoke coming off the tires as he flicks the car sideways between the two rigs, straightens up then disappears into the distance. I was appalled and very angry - all i could think was "my wife and children could be in the next car this guy heads towards"....

what happened? Nothing. The cops took the call, promised to look into it - nothing happened. Too busy revenue collecting.

Ever notice that police rate performance by decreases in crime by % - except for traffic - where they privately judge performance by dollars collected.... more fine dollars does not equal lower death toll or less accidents.


Aug 17, 2001
Reaction score
Orlando FL and Seneca Lake NY
OMG Torque sorry I couldn't find the time to read the whole thing but I will get back to it later. :)

Speaking of driving in other countries anyone ever been to Caracas? Pretty unique, not much aggression, VERY good drivers, tailgate, pass on the shoulders, go through stop lights if there is room, motorcycles pass on the white line between cars, they don't seem to have too many accidents and as I say not much aggression.

Talked with a ambassador who had traveled the world and said he has only seen things more intense in one city it was Maracaibo Venezuela.

I think almost every driver from there could qualify for NASCAR and/or Formula 1 with no trouble. :)

Just curious if anyone else has been there to see this and if so what are your impressions?


VCA Venom Member
Nov 12, 2000
Reaction score
Joe for President! Like your ideas.

Let me tell you what I think the rules should be.

Most superhighway, daytime suggested speed "limits" should be at least 85 mph.

Big rig trucks must stay in the far right lane and maintain at least 55 mph. Passing only in some marked places.

Most traffic citations issued by police would be for "driving in an unsafe manner". Not for breaking any law. Remember, we don't really want hard rules.

No special left lane for passing. Slow cars keep right as a general rule, left lane cars should be at limit, but you are not driving safely if you are coming up behind slow traffic at very high speed.

Open road limited access highway, no other traffic within 1/4 mile = no set speed limit.

In town laws are ok as is. Red light cameras are ok untill the cops find some other way to stop red light runners.

Motor City Mad Man

Nov 11, 2000
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
There are a lot of high priced supercars in this Gumball Rally. And just because you can afford a high priced sports car doesn't mean you know how to drive or drive safely. Just downloaded a 38 minute movie from last years gumball rally to refresh my memory. In one part it showed this BMW Z3 backing out of the ditch after according to the driver,"he was trying to pass but no one would let him so he passed on the shoulder and the driver in front of him purposely sideswiped him and sent him flying into the ditch." A little road rage I guess. My guess is the Gumball driver was probably riding the guys butt about a few feet off his bumper and flashing his high beams. So the driver in the other car took out a little road rage on him.

This whole Gumball Rally thing seems like it is a bunch of people who think they are above the law and that all the common citizens not in this Rally should get the heck out of their way. Can't these people see that I have a Ferrari and it means that I am better than them so they should yield to me? It is just one big party to them. The speeding tickets and reckless driving tickets are badges of honor to them. I liked the Cannonball Run movies and such and like to drive my car extremely fast too, but I wouldn't want to be lumped in with these idiots.


Aug 17, 2001
Reaction score
Orlando FL and Seneca Lake NY
Let me tell you what I think the rules should be.

Most superhighway, daytime suggested speed "limits" should be at least 85 mph.

Big rig trucks must stay in the far right lane and maintain at least 55 mph. Passing only in some marked places.

Most traffic citations issued by police would be for "driving in an unsafe manner". Not for breaking any law. Remember, we don't really want hard rules.

No special left lane for passing. Slow cars keep right as a general rule, left lane cars should be at limit, but you are not driving safely if you are coming up behind slow traffic at very high speed.

Open road limited access highway, no other traffic within 1/4 mile = no set speed limit.

In town laws are ok as is. Red light cameras are ok untill the cops find some other way to stop red light runners.

Most Super Highways you can go approx 85MPH the ones you can't is because of heavy traffic.

Limiting tractors to 55 would delay the length of time for products getting to market, increasing the cost we pay for products.

If you take away the revenue from traffic tickets then your town is going to have to raise taxes.

Slow cars are already suppose to stay to the left changing it to a general rule wont make it any better.

How you going to know if a car is within 1/4 mile equip your car with GPS and then tell the cop NO REALLY he was a 1/4 mile away.

Yea just raise taxes so we can have a camera on every town traffic light.

Can you tell I am bored. :)


Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
A short one FWIW: In my limited experience in US driving - you guys are better than here in NZ. I found American drivers more curteous, and the interstates made long distance travel awesome compared to what we have. Even big semis were running over 85mph in Nevada! Loved that. You'd find kiwi drivers major azzholes - everyone owns their bit of road, and no one else exists. Same in the mall or supermarket. People will cut in front to get something off the shelf right across you... my wife can't get over it... I'm used to it... but agree with her. You guys in the US are much better behaved.

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
Limiting tractors to 55 would delay the length of time for products getting to market, increasing the cost we pay for products.
He said "maintain AT LEAST 55" not "limit to 55"

If you take away the revenue from traffic tickets then your town is going to have to raise taxes.
Nope. Cut government jobs starting with law enforcement.


Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
Annapolis, MD
You sound like a responsible driver. That sounds like the way I drive.
Thanks Chuck, I try to be. But after I'd drive one of my friends (mostly girl friends), they'd b*tch and moan about me being the worst driver, going in and out of lanes, trying to maintain my speed. Most of the people around this area (Myrtle Beach) are clueless, let alone when the tourists come in. Back when I had my car down here, I drove a couple friends to the beach. I'm going 55 in my lane (10 over), and this van from Ontario cuts in front of me and quickly slows to 35, then gets onto an exit ramp 1/10 of a mile later. Traffic was too heavy and too fast to change lanes.


Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
Annapolis, MD
Let me tell you what I think the rules should be.

Most superhighway, daytime suggested speed "limits" should be at least 85 mph.

Big rig trucks must stay in the far right lane and maintain at least 55 mph. Passing only in some marked places.
I'd imagine these superhighways would have some hills, and I'm sure you've experienced a fully loaded semi attepmting to get up them, and they go about 45-50 on a 65 mph highway. so the mandatory 55 mph limit wouldn't work. And don't forget other motorists that would be more interested in saving gas than time.


Feb 4, 2002
Reaction score
Maryland, USA
I said,
"Big rig trucks must stay in the far right lane and maintain at least 55 mph. Passing only in some marked places."

These trucks are running a business on our roads. They want to go as fast as they can as long as they can, with as much cargo as they can. They are running close scheduled freight on the same road that you use to go visit grandma with your kids.

My reasoning was to keep them from being as much of a hazard as they are today. They kill people in numbers far larger than their percentage would suggest. The trucking industry has a powerful lobby in Washington and in state legislatures. They will do anything they can do to make money. I want to see them use the highways within strict limits, not the cowboy crap I see today.

I want to turn them into a sort of a "cargo train", not much passing, fairly slow, predictable in that they will always be in the right lane.

I don't want to limit their speed to 55. I want them to go at least 55. If they can't maintain 55 mph then they might get a ticket. That will be up to the cop that observes them.

Miles B

Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
Melbourne, Vic, Australia
It works in Europe. Basically there aren't speed limits on the freeways/tollways. People don't act like idiots either. After a while they get used to it, and they do stick to the rules. 60mph in the slow lane; if you get in the fast lane you better be going fast and you better get out of a faster driver's way. It's nice to be able to drive 1000 miles in 8 hours, and still see people going faster.

I don't think it would work in Australia. Like torquemonster said, drivers in this part of the world "own" their part of the road and either don't give a **** about what other people are doing, or maliciously slow faster drivers down.

I will never support using the roads as a race track though. You use the road to commute. You should be allowed to commute at high speed, but never race.

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