:You said it.....
I hope your joking.

If you going to change the badge's just make sure you turn fang upside down. That would make just as much sence.

And while you just paint it PINK
Updating the logos doesn't make "sence"?
The lines and design of the car are timeless; most of the non-Viper people that I run into think the car is brand new. The logo, however, looks like it came straight out of the late 80s/early 90s (which it did). The Fangs logo and wordmark does not. It's still clearly the Viper mark but has been updated to change with the times.
As Ryan said, most non-Viper people won't be able to tell the difference.
I didn't buy this car for potential resale. If I did I wouldn't have bought one as heavily modified as this one. If I wind up having to sell it, it's not going to a Barrett-Jackson snob who wants an all-original vehicle. No worries there.
What makes it so "wrong"? Why is the area that sacred? Throwing a 'Vette logo on there would be blasphemy; updating the marks doesn't seem like that big of a deal. Is it still blasphemy or the anti-Christ if you swap, say, a red badge for a silver one? Where is that line?
Guys with the new Chargers throw the old badging on there. Guys with other American muscle cars do the same, but do it to "lie" ("Cobra" logos on a GT, "Z06 logos on a C5, etc.). Other people shave the badges off for a cleaner look. Is that also against the purists' code as well? These questions are not rhetorical; if you have an answer, let's hear it.
Sniper, I don't want a Gen. III because they're ugly. I'm content with my GTS. The post is about badging, not the entire car. I should have made my original post/title more clear...my apologies.
For those of you that think that updating a logo is on par with the Dolphin Viper or painting it pink (I'm lookin' at you, Captain Spelling), then you are the purest of the pure. I pray for the poor sap that uses anything put a Mopar oil filter on his Viper because if this mob gets wind of that, it's all over.
Personally I think that people "interpreting" the logo all on their own is blasphemy. Putting stripes through it, modifying scale or color, locking up the mark with other words/characters...companies have brand standards for their logos for a reason, but a good number of owners butcher those standards for whatever reason. That ruins brand integrity, but using a Dodge-sanctioned interpretation of the mark doesn't seem to ruffle my feathers like it does others on here.
Baz has a decent idea...upgrading the vinyl stickers to the SRT stuff but keeping Sneaky Pete.
New rule: If you say "don't do it" try and back it up with at least ONE reason grounded in logic, not just some asinine opinion and a poorly-spelled jab about dolphins.