I honestly forgot I ordered these almost 9 mos ago. I wanted em by VOI-8.
Years ago, Brenda and I had done some silk ties for Dodge execs, including Lutz and Eaton. They wore her matching Prowler Ties at the "Blues Brothers" Prowler launch. One of those vendors offerd me a chance at some high-end, spun rayon, top-of line Polynesian-Hawaiian shirts. Viper Motif! I ordered a look-see handful. They came in this week, and are STUNNING. WHY WAIT til VOI since Summer is coming. Be the 1st at your next Viper Event.
A colorful jumble of Red RT/10 sidepipers, and SRT-10s in Red and Silver. Each shirt has 360-degrees of 20-24 Vipers that are 4" - 6" long. LOTS OF EM ! Background is volcanoes / surf / palm trees, flowers. A true Hawaiian-Polynesian artwork.
The MSRP on these shirts is $80. This company has an entire line of shirts at $75-$95 each. Top End Stuff. I'd like to get some out and in view, and maybe spawn a larger order before VOI. $65 delivered USA. While 10 last, 2 of each size.
I dont know how to post photos, but TRUST ME: RT/10 or SRT-10 Owners who like Hawaiian colorful shirts will love these. Money back Guarantee if you dont open the see-thru plastic pouch.
I never wanted to be selling clothing, but our ties were a HUGE hit, (CAAP even sold em!) and the shirts are even NICER!!! Email me or call....dont order here please. Tell me SIZE and color of your car. Ill grab one with your's more prominent if I can....
Years ago, Brenda and I had done some silk ties for Dodge execs, including Lutz and Eaton. They wore her matching Prowler Ties at the "Blues Brothers" Prowler launch. One of those vendors offerd me a chance at some high-end, spun rayon, top-of line Polynesian-Hawaiian shirts. Viper Motif! I ordered a look-see handful. They came in this week, and are STUNNING. WHY WAIT til VOI since Summer is coming. Be the 1st at your next Viper Event.
A colorful jumble of Red RT/10 sidepipers, and SRT-10s in Red and Silver. Each shirt has 360-degrees of 20-24 Vipers that are 4" - 6" long. LOTS OF EM ! Background is volcanoes / surf / palm trees, flowers. A true Hawaiian-Polynesian artwork.
The MSRP on these shirts is $80. This company has an entire line of shirts at $75-$95 each. Top End Stuff. I'd like to get some out and in view, and maybe spawn a larger order before VOI. $65 delivered USA. While 10 last, 2 of each size.
I dont know how to post photos, but TRUST ME: RT/10 or SRT-10 Owners who like Hawaiian colorful shirts will love these. Money back Guarantee if you dont open the see-thru plastic pouch.
I never wanted to be selling clothing, but our ties were a HUGE hit, (CAAP even sold em!) and the shirts are even NICER!!! Email me or call....dont order here please. Tell me SIZE and color of your car. Ill grab one with your's more prominent if I can....