Heads and Cam additional parts


VCA National President
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Jan 7, 2013
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Seeing the success that many have had with heads and cam packages, the idea to do mine one of these days keeps coming up. It will be some time before I pull the trigger, but I'd like to get a better idea of full package cost so I have an idea what I would need to be setting aside so I'm not bitten by too many additional costs. I would probably keep it simple and just stick with heads and a cam to begin with, no intake work or anything just yet as that stuff could always be added later easily enough. I've got an 04, so shoudn't have any computer worries there. The obvious stuff that comes to mind:

Heads (duh) - probably send mine off for a port job ($0-the moon, but guessing maybe ~$4000?)
Cam (also duh) - based on recommendation from porting person I would think ($500-750? Not really sure)
Tune - any number of tuners mentioned around here ($ couple hundred bucks I'm guessing?)
Gaskets - heads, intake, exhaust, valve cover, timing cover? ($ way too much from local dealer, probably another few hundred)
Valvetrain - main question mark, is the stock stuff good to reuse typically, if not would I need to replace all or just part of it? ($ depends on what needs replaced)

I have no problems doing all the work myself. Worked on plenty of cars and engines and it doesn't bother me. Based on the builds I've seen around here, seems like close to 600 whp woudln't be too hard to achieve with a simpler build like this. Guessing I would probably fall a little short since I'd still have stock intake and exhaust manifolds, but I could always change those out later. I know costs can run wild based on what all you do while you're in there, but it also sounds like this can be done for ~$8000 or less if I understand the other builds correctly? I mainly blame 345sbspinnin for this as his car is silver like mine and his videos just add fuel to the fire...


Sep 10, 2012
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I'm finishing up my heads/cam build right now and can say that your 8k estimate is almost spot on (I'd add all of my stuff up but I don't want to know exactly how much I spent :)). Gasket-wise, you're going to need head, exhaust, and front timing cover gaskets as well as the front crank seal. When you take the oil pan off you may notice that your oil pan gasket needs replaced too. Check around for prices as not one vendor has the cheapest prices for all of them

Also, you may want to budget in trans and motor mounts since everything's going to be apart already. Good time to install an MGW shifter as well. As for valvetrain, the rockers are the only thing I kept stock. Oh yeah, don't forget about an adjustable timing set. My cam was off by a good 5-7 degrees when installed straight-up. That'll set you back a few hundred. Lastly, if you plan on having your heads milled then you're going to need the intake shaved as well so everything mounts up nicely.

Damnit, forgot about plug wires. May as well switch them out while you're in there as well. I think those are ~$200. And keep a couple of hundred ready in case you break anything :). Some of the plastic pieces you have to remove are extremely brittle.

I think your best bet is to give someone a call. I spoke to a few vendors before settling with Todd from A&C. He's been immensely helpful so I'd recommend giving him a call.


VCA National President
VCA Officer
Jan 7, 2013
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Okay, sounds kinda like what I was thinking for work. I've already done the mounts, so I should be good there (stock driver's side was completely toast). Is dropping the oil pan really necessary or is that just to get the timing cover off? Wasn't planning on pulling any of the bottom end apart if I didn't have to. The timing set crossed my mind after my initial post as I figured by the time I might undertake the build I may be getting close to 80-100k miles (64k now, around 20k a year). Didn't think about shaving the intake possibly, so that's good to keep in mind. Did Todd do your headwork or one of the many other awesome head guys out there (if you don't mind my asking)? What sort of power are you expecting?


Sep 10, 2012
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You're going to have to drop the oil pan as the pickup tube is bolted to both the block and the timing cover. It's not that difficult to do and gives you a chance to clean everything out :). Todd did everything for me (heads, cam, intake matching, timing set machining, calculated pushrod length, etc). I'll be happy with anything 600rwhp+. I was already at ~500 or so with M&M headers and corsa exhaust. Probably could've got a little more out of that setup, but the guy who tuned it had never tuned a Viper before. I'll be going with Todd's tuning this time around.


Jun 9, 2009
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What kind of power can be made with a big cam and the least amount of headwork possible(just valve springs?)

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