I'm with Tomer and the others. My Viper is my toy.
I had a freind, while I was in the Navy, who rode his motorcycle to work EVERY day. On the weekends I would invite him out for rides...I had a ZX-7 at the time. He never came because he rode that bike every day, it was no longer a toy.
Not that this could happen with a Viper...but it is a possibility.
I recently got rid of my 02 Lightning in an effort to be practical. I got a leftover 02 Neon R/T (don't laugh...I get about 27MPG in town and can drive for 2 weeks on 12 bucks

Anyway...with $50K you can find a nice older Viper and have a toy for the weekends, and get a decent daily driver.
All the comments are pretty accurate. You CAN daily drive a VIper, and many do, it all depends on how YOU are about cars and stuff. I drive mine to work on Fridays because the parking lot is usually about half as full...but other days I would be to stressed. That is just how I am.
I guess what I am trying to say is evaluate ALL your options. You can spend maybe $40K on a nice used Viper in good shape...and have $10K to put down on a decent daily driver. I like the fact, now, that I have a Viper
AND a daily driver (that has a full warranty and I just get in and drive it), all for one small car payment. But that, again, is just the way I am.
I see a guy where I work who splurged and bought a new 350Z. He parks it near the fence by the body shop next door (big mistake), and it looks as if it has turned into the average daily driver. I like the fact that BOTH our cars are daily drivers....I just spent a ton less.
Sorry, not a lot of help...and it is definitely a tough decision (NOT whether to buy a Viper or not...just how to do it and stay 100% happy).
Lastly....definitely do a search on "daily driver" and the like. There is so much info out there, especially from people who do daily drive.
Now...if I could go back to being a house-husband and kept man, I could probably get by with just the Viper.