Re: HELP - Those who have adjusted stock Koni\'s!!!
I looked into front and rear bars but ended up changing the springs. Relative to other cars, Viper sway bars are hugely expensive, and rear bars don't seem to exist at all. In fact, I found the subcontractor who make the "brand" front sway bars... I looked into having bars made but couldn't justify the cost because it was less expensive to go with springs.
I find the OEM shocks handle stiffer springs acceptably well. I can't say that with complete authority, since I have never used "high performance" shocks that would have been designed with stiffer springs in mind. These OEM shocks are fixed compression, and the adjustment is changing only rebound; hipo shocks would change both, either together or independently. But I can find Gen 1 shocks on eBay for $20 pair, so it was worth doing a little machining to see how it would turn out. I posted a step-by-step article Nov 2002, but here's the end result:
If you can find a friendly machine shop, they could do all four shocks in a day easily. The threaded sleeve, nut, spring hat can be found as a set from race parts suppliers for about $60. Be sure to get the spring hat with the diaper pin and the hole for the tie wrap to prevent a short, stiff spring (that might be totally unloaded if flying over curbs) from coming loose. A set of four springs is $400 to $600?
The OEM springs are said to be 250 front, 450 rear (and since the leverage of the control arms is different, this doesn't mean the rear is stiffer than the front.) The 450/650 combination is quite nice, still very street friendly, less prone to bumpy-road-rear-end-dancing than the early ACR. My current 550/800 is probably over the top if you have moderate bumpy conditions. I chased the springs rates for a while, and here's a summary of the non-winged car "data set" I used:
ACR (early)--400/750
ACR (later)----500/1100 but many went to 500/800
Anyway, for me it was under $600 total, some time in front of the lathe, and besides being able to set up the car, I can also lower the car.