HEMOTOX - A Black Mamba: The Undoing of Ralphie’s Rehab


Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
pontiac, mi
Re: Ralphie’s Rehab

Alice, thanks for keeping the SRT-10 column hopping with your great prose. As for the detractors, get a friggin' life!
:) :)
2nd. You have the option of not clicking the
thread you do not want to see.
That's why this is a forum.
joe :usa:


Viper Owner
Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
South Florida
Re: Ralphie’s Rehab

Alice, I'd bet you have more fans here than detractors. I for one am just slightly jealous of your abilty to spin words into colorful prose the way you do.
In my opinion, what you write is more than welcome in this forum as long as the topic is a Viper, SRT in particular. Who says what's written here has to be technical or bland?


Oct 5, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Ralphie’s Rehab


Obviously, most concur or we would not be looking a several hundred "reads" for this or, in the case of one post several weeks ago, 2500 "reads".

The most important thing is that you read what intrigues and pleases you, and you bypass that which holds no interest for you.

My interest in the Viper arose during its time as a concept car, and it reached fruition only recently. After I purchased the first Viper (which lasted three weeks due to access to a great deal on a Mamba), I saw many unique and to many of us, very humorous aspects of the hobby.

The great thing about America is that all of us are free to express our disenchantment.

The greater thing about America is that the majority determines the outcome.

Long live i-POD.

Thanks for taking time to express what many do privately. And I hope you will take the time to write either publically or privately in the future.

Warmest regards.



Viper Owner
Jul 10, 2004
Reaction score
Redwood City, CA
Re: Ralphie’s Rehab

Poor Alice--delusional coupled with an inferiority streak a mile wide. Stronge personality disorder. But we do agree on one thing. You do come from the wrong side of the tracks. About your bio. It was interesting to see how gradually new things materialized. (Also, it is revealing how you misinterpreted the visits into something weird and crazed and sinister). Kind of like a 101er trying to create a mystique. Great theater. Kind of like the pictures---- a lot can be learned from them, including your narcissism. You really should go to viper alley or snake pit grill

You are not a mystery to me, Alice. I just needed a few more bits of information, which you kindly provided. I have been around nurses and pumped up, self important doctors wives all my life. Spot them a mile away. Imagine my lack of surprise when you added the final touch with the clinic pictures and email ( good advertising). Now that this is all out and you can see yourself, I submit that you are a bit more "ickey" (great word Alice) than I. Good luck with your next hobby

You need some sort of Rx



May 29, 2003
Reaction score
Clear Lake, TX
Re: Ralphie’s Rehab

Poor Alice--delusional coupled with an inferiority streak a mile wide. Stronge personality disorder. But we do agree on one thing. You do come from the wrong side of the tracks. About your bio. It was interesting to see how gradually new things materialized. (Also, it is revealing how you misinterpreted the visits into something weird and crazed and sinister). Kind of like a 101er trying to create a mystique. Great theater. Kind of like the pictures---- a lot can be learned from them, including your narcissism. You really should go to viper alley or snake pit grill

You are not a mystery to me, Alice. I just needed a few more bits of information, which you kindly provided. I have been around nurses and pumped up, self important doctors wives all my life. Spot them a mile away. Imagine my lack of surprise when you added the final touch with the clinic pictures and email ( good advertising). Now that this is all out and you can see yourself, I submit that you are a bit more "ickey" (great word Alice) than I. Good luck with your next hobby

You need some sort of Rx


:2tu: :2tu: :2tu:


Kai SRT10

Feb 4, 2004
Reaction score
Salt Lake City
Re: Ralphie’s Rehab

Keep the posts coming. They're great. A nice respite from the hum drum "how much horsepower can I get from headers?" posts (which I also read and enjoy.)


p.s. one too many "w" in your trailer park link. It's the world wide web, not the world wide wide web.


Viper Owner
Jul 10, 2004
Reaction score
Redwood City, CA
Re: Ralphie’s Rehab

Actually, I don't think you are missing anything here.......er..... except maybe some sleep. :eek: :confused:


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
Re: Ralphie’s Rehab

Alas, I must comment at this point simply because somebody else needs to chime in. If you think she is long-winded, you better grab a six pack and a comfortable chair. I don't believe in "hit and run" type of posts.

First off, the two "detractors" realize as much as anybody else that they can simply pass by those threads that offend, bore, or that they simply don't like. Instead, they choose to bash the author in some bizarre attempt at intimidation. Now were this on viper.alley, I would say BASH AWAY! After all, those forums are generally not for playful musings about Viper ownership - not by a long shot. Austin is at home in those forums, as Viper ownership (or the observations thereof) is really quite unnecessary.

In contrast, these VCA forums are often correctly referred to as .morgue, as they revolve around Viper ownership in almost every respect and the social banter is pretty much at a standstill. While I eagerly look forward to reading the latest on Paxton supercharger results and the further exploits of our favorite tuners, it can be pretty dry commentary indeed. Adding a little "flavor" to the mix isn't a bad thing by any means, especially when you can choose to pass by that flavor without so much as a peep. I suspect that those very few that feel that they must comment on the author and not the content (why, I have no idea) truly do feel threatened in some vague way. It's ironic, as that "other" site feeds off of the censorship found here, yet some still find even the cleanest of posts to be offensive to them personally.

Now don't kid yourself, I will admit right here and now that I was less than thrilled when the first posts came from this... person. She asked many questions about modifying an SRT that could have been easily searched on the site. More importantly (to me), was that this flurry of questions seemed to be generated with nothing given in return. Who was this person to constantly inundate "real" Viper owners with these questions without so much as an introduction or "proud to be a new Viper owner" post? Indeed, I even wrote to this person and suggested she really try to make use of the search feature of the site rather than have everybody repeat themselves. Undaunted, she continued to ask the questions.

Imagine my surprise when she wrote her first novella: Unlike the information leaches I have seen come and go over the past several years, she was actually contributing something to the boards. And what a contribution it was! Deadpan humor combined with some very accurate (and not always flattering) commentary about Viper ownership and sportscar ownership in general. That surprise turned to horror when I realized that her wit and writing ability had easily outclassed my meager ramblings and I was out of a job, as worthless as it was.

Now with an acknowledged level of narcissism myself, it would have been easy to dismiss her writings as ramblings of a newbie. Nor to this day do I know how long she will remain a Viper owner, as her entire ownership experience seems to move so incredibly quick. Yep, it would have been very easy to dismiss it privately with no real reason to bash her in public. After all, by bashing her in public it would state in some small way that I felt threatened by a new Viper owner - and a female one at that. "Insecure" pretty much sums it up.

Instead, I continued to read her musings and found myself smiling more than a few times. Crap! How could I dislike somebody that was actually contributing a LOT to my hobby (Vipers) and making my ownership experience that much more fun? The fact that it was a well written perspective from a female owner was, dammit, actually refreshing. Oh don't kid yourself, I love Janni to death, but she is a track rat and her posts offer far better technical commentary than many that attempt it every day. Likewise, if you want a REAL window into the way the VCA should work just turn to Janni. Other female Viper owners that post here? Let's see, there is um, uh - nobody. Barbara owns more Vipers than most of us and rarely posts. We effectively ran off one female owner who truly did feel the world revolved around her. A similar one reared her head not too long ago and was soundly trounced on every forum on every Viper website (and deserved it).

The bottom line is that the Viper Club needs diversity, both in perspectives and in gender. I am not a track rat and I don't have a garage queen. I don't take my Viper to every car show I can find and I don't have a big slush fund for mods. And I don't slight any of the above owners. I want to continue to read the latest about superchargers (someday I will have one, dang it) and I want to know what other owners experience. Even if it is a long-winded embellished account that surpasses what I can conjure up from my magic keyboard. That is why I come here and why 95% of the other visitors come here as well - to enjoy their time on the site. Why a couple people feel threatened by this is just mind-boggling, especially when all they have to do is ignore it.

If Alice sells her Viper tomorrow and never looks back she will still have contributed some great stuff to these forums. And to VIPER Magazine. I hope she continues for many moons to come, as it gives me more free time to drive my Viper and skip writing my own diatribes - like this one. ;)


Neil - UK

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
Re: Ralphie’s Rehab

Not that I spend much time in the SRT forum I'm with Chris, so what if Alice's are posts are slightly different to the norm, the na sayers don't have to negative and repeatable responses, any enthusiastic viper owner should be encouraged, especially one with a female prospective.

Joseph Houss

Former VCA National President
VCA Officer
Jul 19, 2000
Reaction score
Re: Ralphie’s Rehab

Alice, Chris......

GREAT STUFF! the SRT Forum is........



Oct 21, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Ralphie’s Rehab

Alice sought attention and she's getting it. She succeeded in her quest. Now we know about as much about her as the lady next door. Time to move on.


Viper Owner
Feb 14, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Ralphie’s Rehab

Well, I was afraid it would happen. Someone had to go and mention "that other site" to Alice. Now why'd you have to let her know about "the dark side?" What if she's tempted to head on over there. Some of the more insecure there may need years of therapy to recover from the contact. (It could be like that moment in "2001" when the monolith appears before the apes and they begin to run around wildly, smashing bones on the rocks and bellowing great war cries. Do you really want to risk THAT?)

Oh, and I don't worry about Alice's ability to take care of herself. Just look at the results below: a jealous and obsessed detractor wanders into this friendly playground with malicious intent, and, with a benevolent smile and hardly a lifted finger (half her brain tied behind her back?) is dispatched and sent on the way with a note to the teacher to excuse them from their missed classes.

As I try to gently explain to you, I just cannot provide you with all the attention that you keep requesting from me.

Your reading my posts over and over again just seems to make you so terribly upset and appear so irrational.

This is not healthy, and my responding to you seems to increase your neediness. Your obsessive drive to view my gallery over and over again is just...well...plain "icky."

I hope that you can work on these issues and find it within yourself to learn more adaptive ways of dealing with these emotions. I know that if I continue to respond to you that you will simply just spiral downward and that's certainly not what any of us want.

So, give yourself some time, and I shall wish for the best for you. Please take care of yourself.

I almost spewed coffee on my keyboard! Bravo! Very well done, indeed. :2tu:

Alice is not on trial in this, her own thread. And, she certainly doesn't seem to suffer from insecurities, unlike the two detractors. (Although, if I had to guess, Myers-Briggs would say more "E" than "I" ;) )

A simple litmus: who would you say is the more "needy" individual: the positive and self-confident contributor who artfully crafts interesting viewpoints about inarguably funny aspects of owning these machines, or a couple of detractors who can do nothing more inspired than try to hijack her threads by pointing fingers at imagined defects of the author? No-brainer, huh? (I can spell "projection.")

:p I still think "Alice" is really Dave Barry, on leave from his regular job. :D


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
Re: Ralphie’s Rehab

Alice sought attention and she's getting it. She succeeded in her quest. Now we know about as much about her as the lady next door. Time to move on.

Okay, detractor #3 (I knew there was another one around here somewhere). What is amusing to me is that her posts really don't have ANYTHING to do with her per se. Instead they make some pretty hilarious observations about a variety of things. Among them:

* Car collectors like Ralph (we all know people like that, if we aren't one ourselves)

* Delivery guys and backyard mechanics like Cletus ("is that one a them thar new Thundybirds?")

* Vipers vs. Vettes - a subject which appears more times than you can count, but rarely with such a humorous take - from a woman to boot

* The pains of a black car and maintaining that factory luster

And a hell of a lot more. Let me give you an example from this very thread:

"It is no longer a matter of whether you should preserve it from dust and predatory vermin, but you cannot look continually at the finish, or it will fade. It is unforgiving of any material other than angora fur, and you have to clay bar, polish, seal, hope, pray, bargain and do heavy drugs."

Okay, so I missed the part where this was "All About Alice" and got a chuckle out of the pains of owning a black car (also my color of choice in autos). I would respectfully suggest that if you really are that insecure about somebody else's posts that don't affect you in the slightest that you just move along. Save the insults for viper.alley where it is the norm.


Oct 21, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Ralphie’s Rehab

I'm sorry, I didn't know that someone put you in charge of what I post. I will certainly be more cautious in the future. Let's limit the rights of others so someone can type on and on about one's Dr. husband, one's interests, cars, professions, etc.; ad nauseum.
I am not so egotistical as to think that anyone cares what my spouse does for a living. Or what I do, for that matter. I don't bore folk with such trivia. I might respond, but not initiate.


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
Clear Lake, TX
Re: Ralphie’s Rehab

Alice sought attention and she's getting it. She succeeded in her quest. Now we know about as much about her as the lady next door. Time to move on.

Okay, detractor #3 (I knew there was another one around here somewhere).

MORE than just 3, thats all I will say. ;)


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
Re: Ralphie’s Rehab

I'm sorry, I didn't know that someone put you in charge of what I post. I will certainly be more cautious in the future. Let's limit the rights of others so someone can type on and on about one's Dr. husband, one's interests, cars, professions, etc.; ad nauseum.
I am not so egotistical as to think that anyone cares what my spouse does for a living. Or what I do, for that matter. I don't bore folk with such trivia. I might respond, but not initiate.

Dude, I couldn't care less what you post and find that little attack just a tad bit asinine. Maybe something my kid would say when he was pissed. Nor am I suggesting you limit what you post in any way. Nope, that is your tact - to attempt to censor what somebody else says even when the vast majority enjoy it and encourage it.

It's funny that you (and "Dr." Kelly) take such incredible offense at her education/marriage when I seem to recall that she only wrote about it when somebody else asked. Indeed - the very response vs. initiation you refer to above. Yet others lose sight of that fact and suddenly accuse her of some clandestine bragging or other nefarious intentions. Hey, just between you, me, and the wall - who really gives a crap? She and her husband have FAR more money than I ever will (at least the appearance is so - no telling how their debt-to-asset ratio is) and they have a higher education (and the degrees to back it) than I do. BFD.

What matters here is that her posts are genuinely amusing to the vast majority. Austin can tell tales of the many members of his secret club, but who really gives a rats ass? You finally get some "fresh blood" in these forums with an amusing take on the Viper. Not the same tired old posts from Y2Kwhatever and the umpteenth post about brake dust. It is a nice change and most importantly, doesn't take a damn thing away from these forums.

So why the fuss? Did her post take away your ability to post something of your own? Were you required by law to read her posts? Are you allotted only so much bandwidth before your ISP turns you off and her post wasted that bandwidth? Do you have the "nanny" feature on your PC that shuts it down at a certain time and you missed some prime eBay surf time by reading her posts? Or do you have a Porsche/Vette/rollback/whatever and she hit a nerve?

Regardless of what it is, she brings a lot more entertainment to this site than most. If she was writing it in spray paint on the side of your house I could understand your anger. But this is the internet for God's sake, on a lousy little forum that is supposed to be about Viper ownership. What have you contributed lately?


Jan 6, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Ralphie’s Rehab

I enjoy reading her posts. They tend to break up the boredom around here ... :2tu:


Viper Owner
Sep 23, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Ralphie’s Rehab

"If she was writing it in spray paint on the side of your house I could understand your anger. But this is the internet for God's sake, on a lousy little forum that is supposed to be about Viper ownership"

Now that is funny.

I read your posts Alice. I've even printed a couple of the more amusing ones to share with the few people who care to associate with me.

There are a number of threads that clearly are not going to interest me. I DON'T READ THEM. If I did, then I assume they would slowly drive me crazy. I might have paranoid delusions that I was part of a secret band of rebels who disliked the original poster. Our imaginary ranks would swell until I, as the leader of the rebels, would control an army to oust the offensive poster. If I continued to read them then I might lose my sense of humor and good nature. I might even imagine that every post was an affront to my wealth, stature and manhood.

But that would be 'icky.'

So, I just don't read those posts that would do that to me.



Viper Owner
Jul 10, 2004
Reaction score
Redwood City, CA
Re: Ralphie’s Rehab

The last thing I have to say about this thread is this: If you people want to have and appreciate a resident creative writer 101er, (AND don't care that there are other parts of this forum set up just for her kind of thing,) then there will always be critics. Kind of a ying and yang deal. So I will merely write of critique on each of Alice's furture submissions. Now that the background is set, I feel that this is more than fair. We can all watch Alice grow and thrive as a writer.

And AG98 (from the appalachian mtns, were everyone is a cousin), yea the "icky post" really put me in my place. You don't realize a terminal post when you see one. When a person has to use the "icky" and "the I feel sorry for you" approach, the game is over.

Alice now occupies the unenviable position of having everyone
know what she does, where she works, where she lives. It is plain stupid in this day and age to put all that info out there. Can't tell when someone really icky is going to come along. No one is that interested in Alice, but now EVERYONE knows where a nice black mamba is located. Gives having lojack a new meaning


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
Re: Ralphie’s Rehab

Alice now occupies the unenviable position of having everyone
know what she does, where she works, where she lives. It is plain stupid in this day and age to put all that info out there. Can't tell when someone really icky is going to come along. No one is that interested in Alice, but now EVERYONE knows where a nice black mamba is located. Gives having lojack a new meaning

I can't say that I disagree with this too much, as it really is a wacked out world these days. Cyber stalkers are not uncommon and I am sure these forums attract some of the "wrong" people from time to time.

Interesting comment on the LoJack too, as we were just talking about this today while we were in the daily driver. It is equipped with OnStar (GM, I know) and commented that it has been used on a number of theft recoveries. Throw in the automatic notification if the airbag deploys (you are unconscious and unable to respond - OnStar contacts the nearest emergency services), and you have quite the system. DC has its own service for Mercedes, but that is it. While I am not in favor of any gadgets or frills for the Viper, I would think something like even a basic OnStar system would be a nice backup. As an option on a loaded 300C or SRT-8, I think it would be awesome. My bride is wary of any vehicle that she can't buy with a similar feature. I must admit it gives a very nice sense of security. Oh yeah, and the calling feature seems to work damn near anywhere, long after my cell phone stops getting a signal.

Brian E

Viper Owner
Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Granger, Indiana, USA
Re: Ralphie’s Rehab


Alice now occupies the unenviable position of having everyone
know what she does, where she works, where she lives.


Darn, I thought I was the only one Alice invited to come have lunch with her at work, to stop over to her house for dinner, and accompany her to the next convention that rears its ugly head in Atlanta.
Alice, I didnt think you would be cheating on me so soon! :D

Hey, if this keeps up, people might stop calling this forum the MORGUE. :2tu: