Yes, count me in too. I think the 4200's would be fine.
Drop me a PM or email ([email protected]), thanks.

THe brand of the HID kit is Apexcone and I really trust the distributor (John Sharp). I'm in the process of finishing my writeup for installation on my Viper. As soon as I do that I will give it to him to put on his site and get us a great deal on a GB. I'll let you guys know next week.
Here's quick pic of the difference. I have the 5000K bulbs which give just a slightly bluer hue but the 4300K are what most of the OEM HIDs (BWM,Mercedes,Lexus,etc.) use and is the brightest, whitest light. I just like the slightly bluer tint and there is almost no perceptable loss of light. In the GB you can choose whichever K you want.
if I'm not heard from again, I've been banned
the mods will not allow a GB
my thread was deleted and I have been threatened
(please don't ban me)
maybe one of them will chime in here and explain
for now you'll just have to PM for info (I think that is allowed?)
I would like to set it up but I was specifically told I would be banned if I brought it up again, so how could I let everyone know it was on if I can't even hint at it?
it is difficult getting almost 50 *** on this and trying to answer each one
I'm afraid to even put the link to my writeup on here
Don't know who, what, why or where you PO'd, but wow, sounds like you should move to a parallel universe and start over.