Viper Owner
I have always found that running a tank of 101 Octane fuel through my previous performance vehicles (M3, 944 Turbo) two or three times a year has really done a nice job cleaning out deposits. Much better than the junk cleaners they sell to clean the combustion chambers. Another great thing is that it's a blast to drive around with the extra HP (provided the vehicle has a knock sensor and will adjust the timing to take adventage). A few months ago I ran a tank of 105 (unleaded of course) through my 97 GTS and WOW! It made quite a difference. I'd guess at least 50HP over the 91 Octane crap they sell on the corner. It helps that the race fuels are all fuel too. Not 10 or 20% detergent and additives that don't burn. Of course when the fuel runs out so does the added fun. My question is: Has anyone ever encountered a problem running high octane fuels in a GTS? I've never heard of such a thing but I don't want to find out the hard way. I thought I'd ask the experts here and see what you thought.