Hiss-Mass Party


Feb 4, 2011
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It’s hard to believe the end of 2014 is upon us. I have attached the invitation and registration form to our Holiday Party scheduled for Saturday, December 13th, 2014 from 6:00 to 11:00 PM at the Lowes Hotel in Annapolis, MD.

Details are as follows:

Loew’s Annapolis Hotel
126 West Street, Annapolis, MD

Cocktail (Cash bar) 6:00 – first floor of the Powerhouse - Sit-down Dinner 7:30 – top floor of the Powerhouse across the drive from the hotel

Cost – VCA Members & Guests: $30/person. Non-members (must be Viper owner): $65/person. (Club is subsidizing over half of actual cost for members and their guests.) All attendees will receive several new Viper items made for this event. Fill out the bottom part of this page and return it, along with your payment. Don’t delay – space is limited. Please respond as soon as possible time is limited.

Parking – If the weather cooperates and you choose to drive your Viper, we have arranged non-valet covered, protected parking for the Snakes overnight if you wish.

Overnight Accommodations – If you wish to stay overnight at Loew’s after the party, you can make a reservation by calling the hotel at (410) 263-7777. The best rates will be available via the internet.

As usual, we will have an quick awards portion, auction and some great gifts.

Please be sure to mail your RSVP as soon as possible so we can give hotel an accurate head count for the banquet portion.

Hope you can make it!
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