hey Guys,I sat here for 5 minutes with my hands on the keys but where do you find the proper words to express the heart felt emotion Adam the wonderful folks that have sent their prayers,best wishes and now there hard earned money.My family has been truly humbled by the generosity and compassion of a bonded group of people from all over the world that share a common interest,yes of course it is the viper but more importantly the need to live life to its fullest and sharing that need to a person that is unable at this time to do so,and in my opinion giving him the best medicine available to us.....Hope,Happiness and a great lesson in humanity.Please exuse the rambling on but my family and i would like to express our gratitude,not only for the gift for Nick but more importantly that this gift and all of you prayers have touched us in a way that i cannot possibly express in words.we thought that we would keep this a surprise but felt he would love to see how this has developed.His fiance brought in her laptop last night and the look on his face was as Adam said "Priceless"My wife and his Fiance have not left his side and they have spent EVERY night sleeping in uncomfortable chairs next to his side.Once again sorry for rambling on but bottom line is THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!