Junkman - I have taken your advice to move to the 2 bucket system. Seems like common sense anyway.
Also I have a some light swirl marks and plan to use some M205. Once that is done.....what wax or polish should be applied. I have some Meguiars NXT that I thought was appropriate.
Here's my personal opinion on mixing product lines.
Don't do it.
If you start with Zaino, use Zaino all the way through to the end. That's the same with Meguiar's, Adam's, DoDo Juice, Menzerna and so on. Now here's the logic behind my thinking, as those who have read my post know that I only operate on common sense.
The products that you use have been designed to work together. Using the Meguiar's professional line for example, M105 has a given amout of cut to it, and it will leave your paint looking somewhat dull to the trained eye. M205 has been engineered to compiment M105 and undo the damage that M105 does to your paint. They are perfectly engineered to be used in that order (M105 and then M205), in order to give your paint that perfect looking pop before you apply the wax. Thus, you don't want to use M105 and then Adam's Fine Machine Polish (FMP), although FMP and M205 do exactly the same thing. The fact is that FMP has been engineered to follow the Adam's Swirl & Haze Remover and thus, you should use it coupled with the product that it was engineered to follow.
The people who engineer these products have done all the testing that needs to be done and we shouldn't try to second guess their knowledge. The products can be bought in packages and the packages are setup by someone who knows to give you the best results. Thus, use their knowledge to your advantage and stay within a given product line.
Now I went into that whole spill to make this point. Since you have started with Meguiar's, you need to end with Meguiar's. The problem is, Meguiar's has two different product lines. M105/205 are from their professional line. If you look at those bottles, you will see the name "Mirror Glaze" on the bottles. That NXT product is from their consumer line and will not say Mirror Glaze on the label. The last thing that I would do is use their professional stuff mixed with their consumer stuff. To me, that's like doing a frame off restoration, putting the car back together and then have Earl Scheib paint the car for $99.95.
You know me. if I'm going to do it, then it's going to be done right.
Now to answer your question about which wax to use directly. The way I see it, you have 3 choices. Meguiar's Hi-Tech Yellow Wax, their Polymer Sealant or their Synthetic Sealant. Don't pay any mind to their cleaner wax, it has a different purpose. You can read about all three
at this link. There is a number on the back of the M105 bottle that you can call and they will help you decide which is best for you depending on the look and the protection that you are striving for.
Sorry about the long winded response but I like to explain my way of thinking for those folks who like to know the "why" behind my way of thinking.
Thanks for the compliment AJ! You worked some magic on it. See you again ina couple weeks at Thompson's. I'll the the other SRT there that day though - the Superbee SRT8! And YELLOW!
I'm looking forward to it!