The best way to get the detailed description of a service history is call any local dealer in your area and have them pull up the service history and get the dealer or dealers names/numbers that have serviced the car.
Then Just call those dealers directly and have them pull up service history. The local servicing dealer can see all the repair info, because it was there repair record. The other non servicing dealers only see codes and vague description of the work performed.
I did this 4 times when I was looking to buy my used 1997 GTS, works well, just have to make a few calls.
Then Just call those dealers directly and have them pull up service history. The local servicing dealer can see all the repair info, because it was there repair record. The other non servicing dealers only see codes and vague description of the work performed.
I did this 4 times when I was looking to buy my used 1997 GTS, works well, just have to make a few calls.