How do I post pictures and I need to create my Avatar?


Viper Owner
Nov 5, 2000
Reaction score
Waukee, Iowa USA
Hello "Photo-Tech's";

I am jealous of all your great pics' and I need to know HOW to do this as easily as possible.

We have a new digital camera that takes full length digital movies ans snapshots. It is a Canon 200M (takes GREAT pics in hi-res).

If any of you would be so kind as to guide me through this proceedure (hold my hand)I would be grateful.

Please post "How to's" here, or private message, or feel free to call me.


BTW: I DID try searching this site for "how To"

Jim Wallace
Mar 25, 2000
Reaction score
Quantico, VA
Send the pictures to me. :) There might be a short delay (I am usually good for about 2-4 days due to work), but with the new software it might get pushed out....sorry. :)

Send me ANY size you like, I size them down. Static Avatars are kept to 120 pixels wide, and whatever it takes in height to maintain the correct proportions. They are also ket to around 5-6K in size.

Animated images have the same image size restrictions (120), and the file size is limited to around 20-30K (30K MAX.). Many here can do the animated images, including me (to a certain extent).

Please keep in mind that the bigger that image (file size) the longer it takes to load. Not really a problem with 1 or 2 of them in a thread....but they add up as more are overall page loads slow down a little. Mine, for example, is 13K, which right around where I'd like to keep them.

So send me the pictures and I'll see what we can do. :)