Let me relate some overheard conversations with PVO engineers after a tech session at VOI. An RT owner brought up this question privately with a small group of us standing around. The same issues were raised, you would recognize the names of the engineers who answered, but we were told it was off the record, let's just say they have been on a couple of tracks. It's not about crushability, it's about rigidity, the spare becomes an integral part of the frame, being rigid enough to protect the tank AND the design with the spare IN forces the trunk lid to pop UP instead of the hinges shearing off and the trunk lid being pushed forward directly through the top of the front seats and yes the drivers head. So it's not a matter of whether the trunk lid flys off, that would be OK, but of preventing it from being pushed forward into the drivers space and the spare acts like part of a monocoque frame to prevent this. WITH the spare in the trunk pops up and maybe snaps off, without the spare it pushes diectly forward. As far as weight was concerned they saved tons by doing it this way, the spare weighs a lot less than the reinforcement needed in steel for the frame to equal it. The word was even in a gentle spin out and impact on a tire barrier on the track the whole end of the car can crumple and the tank can burst and the lid may be shoved forward. As far as the legality of all this and warning stickers the comment was that if the corporate lawyers had even heard of this they would never have signed off on this car in the first place without adding 400 pounds to the rear frame and it was a miracle to get the car approved at all and the founding fathers wanted a race car for the street but a continual game had to be played to get the car past Iaoccoca and the the back office boys. So the lawyers NEVER would have gone for a warning sticker or a warning in the manual, thinking it would be MORE likely to get them sued. And furthermore there really aren't any regulations about rear crash zones then or now other than the 5mph rear bumper standard that was in force at the time and has now been relaxed, so the spare worked well to meet the 5mph test also. I have no dog in this fight as I have a GTS but I just can't believe you guys when you hear you can't run the car at the track without the spare and you still don't buy into the fact that there might be a reason for that. I would also hate to lose one of you guys to an Excursion or Suburban rear ending soccer mom due to 40lbs or a better stereo!