How much is your car cost? = rude

Nine Ball

Aug 30, 2007
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Houston, TX
I tell them the sticker price 91,250. Doesnt bother me, I actually think its a valid question, hell I am always curious on what cars cost.

Same here, I just tell them MSRP on a Viper if they ask. Some people are just curious, and it doesn't offend me if they ask. I especially don't mind teens asking, at least it shows they are interested in cars. Don't want to be one of those stereotypical ********* Viper owners who acts too snobby to answer a question.

I did have one idiot teen ask me one time:

"Yo, did you pay cash for dat, or you makin' payments?"

LOL! While he was riding his Schwinn.

I told him it was a rental :)


Mar 4, 2009
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I should have put [sic] in the title because that was how the person asked.

Anyway, I just feel uncomfortable Im likely the only one in town with one and didn't get this for attention.
Maybe some people like that attention but people only fawn over the car and a persons worth. I love cars, used to review them, they're a horrible waste money (usually). Getting the mail today I had a neighborhood kid stand there the whole time and took photos on his phone. I guess it's just the general attitude of most people. They seem to just complain about $ and the economy etc. Crime is up and I just don't want any issues nor do I want to hide away.


Jan 1, 2007
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Currituck, NC
I usually tell them what it cost when it was new..that's probably what they were after anyway. The comment that gets me more than the cost, is the sneering "I bet it's bad on gas, isn't it?" comment. I do like the look of shock on their face when I tell them it's 22MPG Hwy.


Apr 29, 2007
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Nixa , MO
The way the question is asked to me is " I love your car....what is the cost on one of those?" I do not see that as rude.


People ask all kinds of questions.
Doesn't cost a thing to be nice and maybe influence a future viper owner in the making.


Jun 12, 2005
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Las Vegas
I love some of the responses you guys have. When I get to talking cars with people (24/7) if it comes up what cars I have they always ask "Man, how much do you make?" I always tell them its not what I make at work that only pays the insurance, for the car payments its all the money I make from hookers and blow:rolaugh:


Feb 9, 2001
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Richmond Virginia
Despite some on my smart a$$ answers I listed above, I have generally been of the belief that owning nice cars just means I have been fortunate and "to whom much is given much is expected" (or however that goes)

Through of series of M5s, XLR-Vs, Vettes and 5 Vipers, etc I cannot tell you how many times I have let folks sit in my cars , given rides etc--everything short of letting other folks drive it (for their own safety).

I am only flippant with the obnoxious types that want to tell me how many cars they or their dad had that were faster, better looking etc than mine. (they usually pull up in a Lumina) Like the guy at the antique show who had a sign that read "no one cares what your grandma had but your grandpa".

Anyway owning a Viper is a privilege and we can put up with some weird questions. Which reminds me I left one off the list:
"you look familar, I think your dad was the guy back in 94 who asked me why I had my speakers on the outside of the car"

Dr V

Viper Owner
Jul 9, 2007
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Erie, Pa
I dont mind the question all the time but what does annoy me is when people say.. "Gee, dentistry must be treating you well". "No wonder you guys are so expensive" I just laugh and say.. Your right. I do one of the things for a living that you "do it yourselfers" wont tackle at home in your garages. See you for your appointment next week. And by the way. Dont forget to floss. LOL


Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
I carry a box of Matchbox Vipers in my trunk and hand them out to kids if they come around asking about the Viper. Last year, I took the Viper to Staples, parked it at the far end of the lot and when I came out there was a kid drooling all over the Viper. His mom was next to him trying to peel him away from it. The kid asked me all kinds of questions about the Viper and had that same look as I did when I first saw one in person many years ago. The kid asked me how much it costs and his mom interrupted me with something like "'s too expensive, you'll never afford it, he's probably rich", etc, etc. really snotty series of remarks and she completely killed the kids' enthusiasm. So I told the kid that by staying in school, following your dreams and some hard work it will pay off in life. I also told him I saved whatever I could for several years until I had enough to buy one. I told him I started saving money at his age. :) The kid perked up when he heard that. I asked his mom if it was OK to give him a Matchbox Viper and she begrudgingly said yes. The kid was ecstatic. I even let him sit in the driver's seat for a couple of minutes.

Throughout it his mom was just miserable and I never understood that...why squash her kids' dreams like that? Hopefully that kid will grow up to buy a Viper and shove it in his mom's face! :2tu:

tennis tom

Viper Owner
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
We are living in an increasingly rude world. To venture out into it in a Viper takes a bit of bravado. Whenever I drive my vert I am prepared to engage in numerous rolling conversations. It's a SSG vert with black stripes. This is not a ride to drive if you are an introvert or feel like going incognito. My previous Viper was black and I felt sort of under-the-radar in that color but it also garnerd much attention--in the SSG, the attention is over-the-top, but, I'm an extrovert and don't mind. If I'm looking for annonimity and a cocoon I drive my Toyota Landcrusier.

The last person to ask me "How much?" was a doctor in a business suit at my tennis club. Almost all the attention my viper gets is positive, and viceraly enthusiatic. I have only had one negative experience from a **** motorbiker on the approach to the SF/Oakland Bay Bridge, who was probably headed to a night class at UC Berkeley.

I get asked the m.p.g. a lot. I quote them the 22 mpg number and tell them It is a much more efficent engine then the Prius's (I don't really know if that's true but cubic inch per inch I bet it may be). I tell them I got the SSG to be GREEN.

Whenever I roll the monster out I am prepared for a lot of social interchange and enjoy the contacts. It's amazing to me how many street people recgnize a viper from a block away and hoot and hollar as I go by. I always give it a good rev up and wave. It gives them a good feeliing to be acknowledged and makes me feel good too. If I'm at a gas station or starting it up I'll let them push the big red GO button and let them hear and feel it come to life.

I was driving by the a homeless shelter south of Market the other night and a burly black guy was in the cross walk headed "home" and asked for a ride. I said I had to get home in a hurry because my girlfriend was pissed and I was in deep **** (true). He said, "In the viper you WILL get home in a hurry!".

The other day I dorve by a Cable Car loaded with tourists near Fisherman's Wharf. I could hear the Oohs and Ahs and "There goes a Viper", I gave it a good rev-up and the whole cable car burst out in loud cheers and applause--you had to of been there. Does anyone know what it costs in fuel to give it a good rev-up? I'm guessing a dime or a quarter, well worth the expense. When I fill up the tank, I think of how much entertainment value I will be getting for my $50 or so dollars at today's "cheap" gas prices.

When people ask the price I tell them just under or just over a hundred grand depending if I want it to seem cheap or expensive, (if I count tax and license). I tell them if they work hard for a couple of years and put their money away they too can afford to buy a low mileage used one that looks brand new. I give them the slick card of my Viper broker with a picture of a Viper on it. Who knows how many new Viper owners I will have inspired with the short interchange?
Last edited:


Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Nixa , MO
I carry a box of Matchbox Vipers in my trunk and hand them out to kids if they come around asking about the Viper. Last year, I took the Viper to Staples, parked it at the far end of the lot and when I came out there was a kid drooling all over the Viper. His mom was next to him trying to peel him away from it. The kid asked me all kinds of questions about the Viper and had that same look as I did when I first saw one in person many years ago. The kid asked me how much it costs and his mom interrupted me with something like "'s too expensive, you'll never afford it, he's probably rich", etc, etc. really snotty series of remarks and she completely killed the kids' enthusiasm. So I told the kid that by staying in school, following your dreams and some hard work it will pay off in life. I also told him I saved whatever I could for several years until I had enough to buy one. I told him I started saving money at his age. :) The kid perked up when he heard that. I asked his mom if it was OK to give him a Matchbox Viper and she begrudgingly said yes. The kid was ecstatic. I even let him sit in the driver's seat for a couple of minutes.

Throughout it his mom was just miserable and I never understood that...why squash her kids' dreams like that? Hopefully that kid will grow up to buy a Viper and shove it in his mom's face! :2tu:

I Agree!!! Did you find bumble bees to pass out? I got a case of Red RT/10 to pass out but i am still looking for a case of Red/White stripe GTS matchbox or hotwheels to pass out while in the GTS. If you have Bumble Bee hotwheels can i have one for my collection?


Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
I Agree!!! Did you find bumble bees to pass out? I got a case of Red RT/10 to pass out but i am still looking for a case of Red/White stripe GTS matchbox or hotwheels to pass out while in the GTS. If you have Bumble Bee hotwheels can i have one for my collection?

I'll check to see if I have a bumblebee...I know I have(had) many solid yellow's but I'll get back to you.

Dads Toy

Feb 12, 2008
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Kansas City, MO
too funny Dave. agreed. I don't think it would bother me to have someone ask how much a car costs. I would be curious too. I do think it would be rude for that person to ask me how much I make to be able to afford one.

press 1 for english still *****.

Mopar Boy

Nov 2, 2007
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Ontario and Ohio
I get this all the time too, and being young does not help either. Have had many comments regarding what I do for a living. Does it bother me though when they ask, not really, I think it is more in the WAY that they ask.

You can tell if they are genuinely curious or if they are going to get snarley in attitude. Pre pick out where they are going. If they are curious and they may want one, I tell them what the price ranges are and what they can get one for. Prices range from $30k ish to $110k. I tell them that if they want one, buy Maurice's book and do some shopping. $30K in todays market is very feasible. They appreciate it and never know, they may just become the next VCA member to join. I know that is how it worked for me. I looked like a young kid asking questions about buying a Viper and most answered truthfully to me, and I was able to make an educated choice when I was looking for my car. I did have a few people give me stupid answers and others who made slanderous remarks about my being able to buy a Viper at my age, but they were wrong. You cant judge a book by its cover so remember that when speaking to young people.

If they are the type that will give you attitude, I say it cost $15K.:lmao: They get a puzzled look on their face and then leave. They never had an intention of asking for general interest reasons, so why answer truthfully?


Oct 21, 2008
Reaction score
Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada
You know, funny as it is, I have been asked where I got it, as many times as how much did I pay for it.:dunno:

Theres a Dodge dealer here in town, that's where I'd figure you'd get one.:D

Although I did get mine in LA.:cool:

Mopar Boy

Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario and Ohio
I carry a box of Matchbox Vipers in my trunk and hand them out to kids if they come around asking about the Viper. Last year, I took the Viper to Staples, parked it at the far end of the lot and when I came out there was a kid drooling all over the Viper. His mom was next to him trying to peel him away from it. The kid asked me all kinds of questions about the Viper and had that same look as I did when I first saw one in person many years ago. The kid asked me how much it costs and his mom interrupted me with something like "'s too expensive, you'll never afford it, he's probably rich", etc, etc. really snotty series of remarks and she completely killed the kids' enthusiasm. So I told the kid that by staying in school, following your dreams and some hard work it will pay off in life. I also told him I saved whatever I could for several years until I had enough to buy one. I told him I started saving money at his age. :) The kid perked up when he heard that. I asked his mom if it was OK to give him a Matchbox Viper and she begrudgingly said yes. The kid was ecstatic. I even let him sit in the driver's seat for a couple of minutes.

Throughout it his mom was just miserable and I never understood that...why squash her kids' dreams like that? Hopefully that kid will grow up to buy a Viper and shove it in his mom's face! :2tu:

Tony - I agree. Not sure why the mother had such issues but glad you made the boys day! Nice job! I was once on that side of the fence. I would have loved to have been offered a seat in a Viper.....



Nov 26, 2007
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I just say it was expensive and no one has ever pressed beyond that.


Jan 1, 2007
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Currituck, NC
The one question that is asked that I've learned is usually a "how much horsepower?" It's almost always a 20 something that owns a Mustang and changed his pulleys, added a Cold Air Intake, etc, and when I tell them 500 Horsepower, I get a "that's all? My Mustang is pushing 650 just with a pulley change". Now don't get me wrong, I think the Mustang is the best bang for the buck out there, but they just don't get it.


Nov 22, 2007
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Red Deer, AB, Canada
Seriously though, when I first saw a Viper in a dodge dealers showroom they had a rope around it and noone was allowed to sit in it. They wanted a thousand dollar deposit just to take it on a test drive. So when someone is genuinely interested in my Viper, I tell them to get behind the wheel to see how it feels. The grin on the younger ones face is thanks enough.


Viper Owner
Sep 21, 2007
Reaction score
Marion, Iowa
I Agree!!! Did you find bumble bees to pass out? I got a case of Red RT/10 to pass out but i am still looking for a case of Red/White stripe GTS matchbox or hotwheels to pass out while in the GTS. If you have Bumble Bee hotwheels can i have one for my collection?

Just a question... where can I get matchbox or hot wheels Red RT/10's in case quantities? I would love to do that.


Nov 26, 2007
Reaction score
Good marketing JonB does with that. I recently purchased some small thing from him and he sent a Hot Wheels Viper in the package for me. I know it's just a 99 cent toy, but it really caught me by suprise.


Dec 13, 2001
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Nice answers, I like the few snippy type ones. Like selling the kids. Very amusing...
My dad has passed a few lines like those. For a bit of background, dad is 68 and I'm in my early 40's...
We'll go and wander about at some of the car shows in the area, if it's nice he'll bring the Viper out.
I think he gets more kicks out of the kids expressions when he asks if they'd like to sit in it, than he does driving it sometimes.
Last adult that I heard ask about how much the car cost got this response... Actually, the car was a
lot less expensive than I thought it would be, I just used his (pointing at me) inheritance to buy the car.


Viper Owner
Jun 30, 2006
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Bettendorf, IA
My favorite one (©Vipercollector) -

Them - "How much did you pay for that?!?!"

Me - "Two Corvettes and a Miata to make up the difference."


Jul 15, 2001
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Twice the price of a Bugatti Veyron!
Dropping chin..............


Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Nixa , MO
Just a question... where can I get matchbox or hot wheels Red RT/10's in case quantities? I would love to do that.

I ordered them from a member on here . He was selling cases of Maisto Red RT/10 . I dont remember his sign on name but the shipping name is Steve Clark.

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