How NOT to leave a car show


Jul 1, 2010
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i remember a youtube video of a viper out on a cruze night not specific to vipers, the viper spun out across two lanes just missing some cars in the flow of traffic and pure luck spun off the road into an empty parking lot without hitting anything. I wish I could find that video as another reminder our toys can get away from us, the silver lining of videos like these is they do remind us to be careful


Feb 9, 2001
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Richmond Virginia
It's not that he lost control. It is where he lost control. Anyone who does what he did, where he did it, deserves the criticism he is getting. Minimizing his lack of judgement, impulsiveness, and the risk he took with the well being of others, does not help him or send a good message to the young people who might be reading this thread. If someone wants to take a reasonable risk that fits within their driving skill sets in a safe location, fine. But do not endanger anyone else or anyone else's property in the process.

That's the point. Instead of just dealing with well deserved embarassment, he could be facing manslaughter charges, etc. (and talk about a slam dunk prosecution , witnesses AND a video) This kind of stuff has shut down a lot of car shows around here. Neither the sponsors nor property owners want to risk it. Just dumb.


Has Left the Room!
Dec 20, 2008
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Just look for a "Hey, I need some new Gen II rims and tires" thread. :rolaugh:

Actually, and I could be wrong, judging by the shirt he was wearing at the show and the license plate of the car, he might have "access" to plenty of Viper parts;)

Smokin' 2

Jun 11, 2007
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The Woodlands, Texas
Well I may just have to save this thread. Since many of you are being extremely critical about this incident and riding this guys butt - you better hope to god you NEVER, once in your life, EVER lose control of your Viper for fear it may be caught on camera. So for the rest of your lives, I hope you have "fun" knowing you have 500 or more horses on tap underneath your right foot but can never ever punch it once. After all, just one simple case of breaking loose your rear tires will be undeniable evidence that you are a moronic, idiotic, careless bonehead without regard for life and property, as has been described in this thread. ;)

A little context is in order here. At the same event in October a C6 vette almost killed 4 kids leaving under the exact same circumstances. One video can be found on youtube from one of the almost victim's point of view. The event was kicked out of it's venue and not held in November. Multiple pleas by the organizers were issued to not 'goose it' or cause any incidents coming to or leaving the event so that we could maintain the new location.

As a member of the Houston car community, not to mention the Houston Viper community, I have the right to give this guy a hard time. We enjoy this event in Houston and don't need people that can't keep their 'traction control' turned on ruining it for those of us who haven't almost smacked into anything leaving an event.

I feel comfortable in stating that for multiple reasons, many high profile in this area, it was far beyond just a close call. I am far from perfect but in this instance the actions represent about 600 car owners that were at the gathering that are trying to get rid of the unfair 'reckless' label that a few people that don't control their cars in front of large crowds have hoisted upon them.

Now I should feel bad for having the audacity to judge this driver's actions? Thank you for sharing you well informed opinion on the matter.


Viper Owner
Jan 19, 2009
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I will also stand by Smokin'2's views. This entire show was just moved to a new location for this very reason. It was even sent out in a mass email " that due to lingering youtube videos of people loosing control of their vehicles upon exit that the show was forced to find a new location ". It really doesn't get anymore basic than that.

I beat that snot out of my car when no one is around and I couldn't possibly endanger anyone other than myself. When you make the turn out of that parking lot and see all of those people on either side, it comes down to wether you can control yourself, your ego, and pride by not laying into the car. And yes this guy wasn't the only one that nailed it out of there, and several of us just sat there thinking, "well there goes another great venue, and then seconds later you here the tires screeching and see the viper spinning."

Just so you know a group I was there with decided to leave out of the rear of the lot to avoid the crowd all together.


Sep 27, 2009
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Winkel, the Netherlands
Stupid action to try and show off with so many people there.

But then again, when I was young and went to car shows like that I also went there to see people revving their engines and leaving the place as the just stolen that car.

That's also why I fell in love with a viper in the first place. The sound, power and looks of it all.

So I don't blame him to give people a nice goodbye, but yes the place he did it was uncalled for because of all those people.

just my $ 0,02


Jun 5, 2008
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Ockay....let me clarify.... my post did not condone this guys actions. As you can see by my winking smily face I am being somewhat satirical, yet at the same time I am trying to bring up the point that most of us have at some time in the past done something akin to this incident. But for most of us, we were lucky that things didn't go bad, and that no one was there to catch the "bonehead" moment on video. I would expect this guy has thought about his close call every waking minute since his slideout and has pondered thoroughly of the potential consequences.
To set the record straight - there are two reasons he shouldn't have gunned it. 1. The show organizers specifically asked the owners not to burn out and 2. There were people in close proximity to his stunt maneuver. It takes restraint not to punch it - but it is tempting when alot of patrons want you to show off and many will egg you on - this can cause a momentary lapse of reason.
So to clarify - I'm going to hold on to this stone in my hand for now.
Now if he happens to do it again......well then.....

To be honest, I've been at many a show where there is an unwritten "goose it" stretch as you leave the event. This is known amongst the organizers, the car owners, the visiting public, and even at times by the law enforcement policing the event. No one discusses it, it just happens. Yes, some events have to state on the loudspeaker NOT TO for liability purposes but most agree a generous push on the throttle is acceptable. Of course, if a guy smokes his tires and slides into a 360 he will be frowned upon. I guess 99.9 % of the time everything will be ockay, but I suppose it will just take one bad incident to kaibosh that fun little apertif.
Last edited:

Bill Pemberton Woodhouse

VCA Member
Supporting Vendor
Jul 25, 2000
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Don't think you will see him for awhile --------- playing pinball wizard off both sides of the street we are talking quite a bit of damage. His ego was hurt, but fortunately no innocent bystanders, but have a feeling his wallet will be hurt a whole lot more!!:nono:

B & R

Jun 11, 2008
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Wow, I am trying to figure out what can be done in the future other than stationing cops to make arrests and impounding the cars. While I have only been to a few CNC's in Houston, it seemed to me the size was increased by a factor of 10 for this particular event. There was no real organization so cars were scattered all over the place. The lot they are in is huge and was pretty much full all the way around the mall. I, like Andy and others left via the rear entrance to avoid any issues. The turn out was unbelievable but maybe that was due to the weather and curiosity with the new location. There were numerous stupid displays of acceleration on the service road and soon it was lined as you can see in the video with cell phone filming folks. I can only hope something can be done in the future to keep this from turning tragic, yet still give what is an amazing get together of auto owners a place to congegate.



Viper Owner
Oct 25, 2002
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Houston, Texas, USA
A little context is in order here. At the same event in October a C6 vette almost killed 4 kids leaving under the exact same circumstances. One video can be found on youtube from one of the almost victim's point of view. The event was kicked out of it's venue and not held in November. Multiple pleas by the organizers were issued to not 'goose it' or cause any incidents coming to or leaving the event so that we could maintain the new location.

As a member of the Houston car community, not to mention the Houston Viper community, I have the right to give this guy a hard time. We enjoy this event in Houston and don't need people that can't keep their 'traction control' turned on ruining it for those of us who haven't almost smacked into anything leaving an event.

I feel comfortable in stating that for multiple reasons, many high profile in this area, it was far beyond just a close call. I am far from perfect but in this instance the actions represent about 600 car owners that were at the gathering that are trying to get rid of the unfair 'reckless' label that a few people that don't control their cars in front of large crowds have hoisted upon. Now I should feel bad for having the audacity to judge this driver's actions? Thank you for sharing you well informed opinion on the matter.

Well said Smokin'2. Like thousands of others, I really enjoy attending this show every month and checking out all the cars. After this latest stunt, this car show's days may be numbered............Truly a shame.

Robert, enjoyed visiting with you at the show and thank you for posting the video.


Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
Strangely similar to this Viper driver's close call at Dallas C&C last year...


Oct 21, 2006
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Dana Point CA
This is how they do it in SCA, Irvine police eliminate the burnout crazyness. Additionally they restrict the crowd, the yellow sign in background says no standing area.

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But sometimes the unfortunate side effects are harder wrecks getting on the I-5 freeway,
southbound ramp is over a 1/4 mile long.

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Jan 14, 2003
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Auckland, New Zealand
Some mild displays of CONTROLLED acceleration while leaving an event are often a closing highlight for spectators that have enjoyed a static display - just to hear the sound and see a glimpse of the cars under modest provocation up to the speed limit.

It is a pity that the rush of blood to the head of a few ruin it for everyone else until we need the fun police to ensure everyone leaves like grandma.

I attended a car show last night, and as they left, quite a few prodded the throttle so the people could hear and see the cars accelerate. Not one spun the tire, not one reached excessive speed, it was just good responsible fun to cap a great show. No high rpms, no speed shifts, just moving out briskly and safely. Nothing wrong with that.

Cold tires or not you KNOW how much throttle the car can safely handle because the Viper throttle is so progressive. No excuses for that incident.


May 13, 2006
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Rancho Cordova, CA
I wouldn't be the least embarassed if I lost it on an autocross or at a VCA track event, cause even though I've owned my car for 6 years, I still don't drive it at 9/10ths enough to know exactly what my car will do. That being said, if I lose it on the street (its happened twice), then yes, I'm embarassed big time! The two times I've lost it and the rear came around were both because I hit a "wow" in the pavement that wasn't visible until I was already there. I hope this Viper owner remembers his close call and keeps the grandstanding to the track....heck revving the engine would have been enough for some cheers, no need for a smokey burnout.



Oct 15, 2009
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Houston, TX
A closer look.......

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Image shamelessly linked from Patrick who added pix to Houston C&C FB ;)

Nine Ball

Aug 30, 2007
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Houston, TX
A little context is in order here. At the same event in October a C6 vette almost killed 4 kids leaving under the exact same circumstances. One video can be found on youtube from one of the almost victim's point of view. The event was kicked out of it's venue and not held in November. Multiple pleas by the organizers were issued to not 'goose it' or cause any incidents coming to or leaving the event so that we could maintain the new location.

As a member of the Houston car community, not to mention the Houston Viper community, I have the right to give this guy a hard time. We enjoy this event in Houston and don't need people that can't keep their 'traction control' turned on ruining it for those of us who haven't almost smacked into anything leaving an event.

I feel comfortable in stating that for multiple reasons, many high profile in this area, it was far beyond just a close call. I am far from perfect but in this instance the actions represent about 600 car owners that were at the gathering that are trying to get rid of the unfair 'reckless' label that a few people that don't control their cars in front of large crowds have hoisted upon them.

Now I should feel bad for having the audacity to judge this driver's actions? Thank you for sharing you well informed opinion on the matter.

Agreed. I've organized large car gatherings in the Houston area before, and always cringed at the a-holes that feel the need to drive recklessly or do burn-outs. We have had numerous Houston area gatherings shut down for this very reason, yet idiots like this Viper owner don't seem to learn.

Also, the organizers of C&C should stage the gathering in the rear parking lot, away from the main road. This would help keep the line of people from hanging out on the street, provoking the cars (and idiots) into doing what they are doing.

The Viper owner here is an idiot, deserves any embarrassment or damage his car sustained. His actions can likely ruin the gatherings for thousands of other enthusiasts that attend these monthly meets. Had this been me, I'd feel the same way and just take the consequences too. If you want to haul ass, how about going to a track, or at least several miles away from the gathering - so as not to ruin the chances of gatherings being permitted.


Feb 15, 2008
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the down side of a life of soccer participation trophies and the sense of entitlement and inherent skill they foster......

father's teach your boys american football

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bob lilly never almost hit babies or deer crossing the street :nono:


Oct 10, 2010
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Duck Dynasty Back Yard
You hear all these stories about racing other cars, but I don't understand how you can race someone else when you can't control your car. If your going about 30mph & punch it, isn't the rear end gonna come around on you. Just wondering

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