Take this how you want. **** you. You are in no position to judge anyone. I never liked your better than you snide remarks anyhow.
I will take it as a cry for education. And I think everyone agrees that learning something is a good thing especially for the small business man.
Refraction refers to how a light wavelength enters into a changing medium where its speed is impacted, effectively changing its direction. That is what you were seeing happen in your headlights. A classic "magnifying glass effect" if you will when the wavelengths are redirected to merge a "single" point.
What is interesting here is that the wheels actually acted as a concave reflective lens. Reflection is what happens when when light, or other forms of electromagnetic radiation intersect with an object that will not absorb the radiation and bounces off.
What is really crazy about the picture he posted was the multiple burn points. Just getting one burn point at all would seem to be difficult due to spherical aberrations that normally occur with a concave mirror. But that is an aside we can discuss later if you wish. It would seem from the picture that he was able to actually focus (by accident of course) four separate concave "lenses" from the wheel. Pretty neat science stuff to happen by accident. Getting four points lined would probably be pretty tough to do even if you were trying.
So are you a Beakman guy by chance? I know Nye won out, but Beakman was always my favorite.