You get the snow/ice and 40+ below winters in Leduc (I know because I grew up north of Lloydminister) and if you want to drive it all winter as in this will be your daily driver, the Jeep SRT8 is NOT for you. I had one here in Colorado for two winters and it was down right dangerous when the roads turned to "winter". Even with Snow/Ice tires on the factory 20s, even with the custom set of 18" Colorado Custom rims I had specially made for it with Blizzack tires, it could not handle a REAL winter. Problem is that while it states AWD, it is really just a 10% Front / 90% Rear torque distribution. That is all it is. I could somewhat handle that as I grew up in the snow/ice but it was NOT fair to have my wife drive it like that. Again, if this is your daily driver, then you will be disappointed. I am told Jeep is looking into the winter driving set-ups on the upcoming Jeep SRT8 (10?), like a cusotm winter rim and tire set-up to buy through the catelog and that would swing me back from my Cayenne Turbo S I traded the SRT8 for.
The build quality is hit and miss, some have had great experience, mine was less than great and it was a fully loaded brand new 2007. I would not buy one sight unseen.
If this is going to be your fun nice weather driver, then it should be fine for you. Mileage is extremely poor for a daily driver though. Don't expect more than 13 mpg cdn no matter what you do, hard slow, etc.
In the end, I would hold out for the 2012 Jeep SRT8 (10?) I was told, expect ability to have a hitch as rear exhaust moves out to the sides, lighter rims (better ride), addition of a 4x4 button so you can have 50F/50R type of winter traction from the electronic transfer case, etc. The build quality is already night and day better on the new Grand Cherokee and it is to incorporate MultiAir and an 8 speed auto (with paddles) which will greatly improve mpg. Personally, I would hold off for the new one as it will make the old SRT8 obsolete. I had mine for 18 months and put on 20,000 miles. Definitely learned the good and bad. Very, very fun truck to drive with lots of power and awesome exhaust note, but that is where the positives stopped. Again, I am speaking of it from a daily driver point of view. Nice days, the Viper happily gets the nod.