HP vs HMS.... is the end near???


Dec 5, 2001
Reaction score
Jacksonville Florida
I am sure many of you have been following all the recent hoopla that started after Macedo announced his TT event for HMS this past week.

As I am sure you all know Hugh first sent his heads to HMS to be upgraded (over a year ago)... :mad: ...... and never saw them again. The heads he had ordered were to be fully ported and polished, with larger valves installed, dual valve springs with titanium retainers, and topped off with T&D 1.7 roller rockers.

Well, today, Hugh Perkins generously offered to GIVE to me the heads that HMS has apparently delivered to Macedo Motorsports this past weekend.

To be sure, I was shocked by Hugh's generosity!!! I thought certainly he would want to SELL these heads to recoup some of his losses, but he did not!

His only request was that I ship him my stock heads when I get the swap complete, and I am sure the heads from HMS are what they are supposed to be??!! WOW :ooo:

Hugh had to get his snake back on the road so he had Apex do some breathing on his viper.......... so it could breath better. Hence, since his snake is breathing well at this time, he did not want the heads necessarily, as much as he wanted to get something back from HMS.

I do not know Hugh from the "man in the moon", but I can tell you that I am truly impressed with his generous spirit,and desire to turn a bad situation into a good gesture!

Pay it forward...... that's all I have to say!

I called Larry Macedo late this afternoon, and left a message. Tomorrow I should find out more information from Larry Macedo, his shop is a couple hours away from me, I think I'll cruise on down there and pick up these heads as soon as I know they are ready, as Hugh first ordered them, for pick up!

I'll post some dyno numbers soon....... as soon as I get the Corsa exhaust installed and then the heads installed. :D

Thankyou Hugh for the very generous gesture and thankyou all for your patience in reading this missal.....


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