<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gerald:
Very well put..
I, like I"m sure many other people on this board (though I CANNOT speak for them) stayed nuetral in this, but with the facts being mounted up higher and higher it's hard to stay out of it and NOT VOICE an opinion. Whether that opinions being on one side or the other, they need to be heard. As long as there aren't any personal attacks or name calling, etc, we see no reason why the threads should be closed, moved or axed.
I cannot imagine going to Lethal, DLM, TNT, etc and asking where my money is and being arrested. It shows how guilty someone really is and how afraid of the outcome of ones actions are by having someone else stand up for them because they're scared.
I"m sure this is STILL ONLY the beginning. With more Venom owners and customers tearing their motors down and documenting the tear downs, this should get really interesting to see the results amongst other non filled orders, etc, etc, etc, yes and another etc..
Just my opinion..
I responded to your Post on the other thread but the whole Post was deleted for some reason. I sent HeliPilot a PM late last night & discussed the whole issue w/ him at length. Anyway - I never called <u>him or anyone</u> a racist. I don't know either one of them. It could very well be that they're far from it! I didn't start that thread. I just said that in my opinion, racial innuendos were made. I also said that not everyone would see it the way I saw it too. Does that make you a racist just because you don't agree w/ me or see what I saw? NO! Case in point, Jeff disagreed w/ me 100%, I didn't call him a racist. My point was, that you should be careful what you say, because one might construe incorrectly if they don't know you. Nothing more. I got 3 phone calls directing me to the original thread. (2 - VCA, 1 - Non VCA) and they all saw it the way I saw it. I know there've got to be others who saw it & I totally understand why they would say nothing. Probably for fear of being labled a Hennessey Defender or something, and that's fine, I can't comment on all of that. I didn't 'play the race card' just wondered why it was even brought up at all in the context of the story. Nothing more...nothing less...