about how rough and stiff vipers ride and about how they handle.
Is it just me or has the rest of the world been wussified?
sure it doesn't ride like a Lincoln, but its not supposed to.
I put a lot of miles on my car (53,000 in 4 years) and I am still loving it.
the ride is not overly stiff and the seats are superb. A great place to spend a few hours.
me and my girl did a 500 mile trip Saturday and she was very surprised at how comfortable it was for the long haul (her first time in the car for more than 30 mins or so).
Maybe I am just jaded from a lifetime of fast cars and bikes, but I just don't get it.
It came to a head tonight when I ran into a guy with a new zr1 getting gas.
he loved the look of the vipers but thought they rode "to hard to be usable anywhere but at the track".
which version snake did he test drive?
NONE, he was going by what OTHER people have said and what he has read.
he heard they beat you up and leave you soaked and exhausted.
He couldn't be more wrong.
so while we are talking a very attractive brunette comes over and asks me what kind of car I was driving.
its a 2000 viper, I say. "its so beautiful".
yea, I know that's one of the reasons I bought it. after some small talk she heads on her way.
MR. zr1 says" I had this car for 6 weeks and not 1 woman has asked me what I was driving, has that happened before?"
pretty much every time I go out, its a Viper......
and it rides perfect........
Is it just me or has the rest of the world been wussified?
sure it doesn't ride like a Lincoln, but its not supposed to.
I put a lot of miles on my car (53,000 in 4 years) and I am still loving it.
the ride is not overly stiff and the seats are superb. A great place to spend a few hours.
me and my girl did a 500 mile trip Saturday and she was very surprised at how comfortable it was for the long haul (her first time in the car for more than 30 mins or so).
Maybe I am just jaded from a lifetime of fast cars and bikes, but I just don't get it.
It came to a head tonight when I ran into a guy with a new zr1 getting gas.
he loved the look of the vipers but thought they rode "to hard to be usable anywhere but at the track".
which version snake did he test drive?
NONE, he was going by what OTHER people have said and what he has read.
he heard they beat you up and leave you soaked and exhausted.
He couldn't be more wrong.
so while we are talking a very attractive brunette comes over and asks me what kind of car I was driving.
its a 2000 viper, I say. "its so beautiful".
yea, I know that's one of the reasons I bought it. after some small talk she heads on her way.
MR. zr1 says" I had this car for 6 weeks and not 1 woman has asked me what I was driving, has that happened before?"
pretty much every time I go out, its a Viper......
and it rides perfect........

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