I was the victim of a Viper hate crime


Dec 27, 2001
Reaction score
Phila Suburbs
I was the victim of a Viper hate crime the other night. Actually it was a few weeks ago, it was the first Friday of the month and I was on my way to the local cruise night. I was coming up to a weird intersection in my neighborhood where you have to make a right then a left to follow the road straight. Traffic seemed to be backed up for at least a mile or two in each direction and was creeping very slow. I make the right and then the quick left when it was my turn and I am following behind the guy in front of me who like everybody was going VERY slow creeping along. I was actually going so slow I had to keep clutching it to prevent the car from surging like the Vipers do when you try to go too slow. Once I made the turn I see a few guys with flares guiding traffic and warning everybody that there was an accident up the road. As we are creeping along as I am approaching the first guy with the flare and I get up to him he starts freaking out and waving his flares and yelling “slow down”. I am thinking, what is wrong with this guy, I cannot go any slower and I am following the guy in front of me and the guy behind me is on my bumper. We are obviously all in bumper to bumper traffic. I probably had a weird look on my face since I had no idea why or what he was doing and even looked at him and raised my hand as if to say, what the @#$ are you talking about. Then it dawns on me, I wonder if he is trying to shake the **** from his flare at me and thought I should probably pull over and check but it was a country road and there was no place to pull over and traffic was backed up in all directions. I also think, nahhh, nobody could be that screwed up but he did get all spastic when I got next to him and I was going the same speed as everybody else. I went about another ½ block and the State Police and an ambulance was at the scene of an accident. I am guessing this clown was either a volunteer fire man or an EMT both of who I usually respect. At least up until this incident. Well when I get to the cruise night I check my passenger door and sure as hell there was flare **** stuck to my clear coat, baked on. I tried to pick a piece off and it was stuck on pretty good and left a tiny scratch where I picked it. So I got some QD out and soaked the other few spots (5 in total) and they came off a little easier but they all left marks in the cc. Needless to say I was pissed and if I thought they would still be there I would have went back and talked to the Statey about it. Luckily I was able to buff them out with my orbital so they must not have been too deep. The more I thought about this the only conclusion I could come up with why somebody would do this is out of jealousy. I have always heard similar stories on here and always hoped that it would never happen to me but unfortunately it finally has. It never ceases to amaze me how many morons there are out there.

my viper

Jul 27, 2001
Reaction score
Glad it buffed out. Probably a newbie with the flare lacking commonsense.


Viper Owner
Aug 30, 2010
Reaction score
Stansbury Park, Utah
There are Viper haters (as I mentioned in another post) People never cease to amaze me. Just the other day I went to the local convienience store and on my way out the door an average mid 80's vette pulled up next to my Viper, I nodded and he nodded back. As I was getting into my car one of the store employees came out carrying a bag to throw in the dumpster, he then looked at me, pointed at the Vette and shouted out loud " that car is better than that Viper, ten times better" My first instinct was to kick the &%#@ out of him, but I just laughed and drove away.


Nov 17, 2008
Reaction score
just a poor o dirtbag that cant stand to see people with nice stuff... he needs his face punched out..


Dec 19, 2009
Reaction score
Central Virginia
It is sad when idiots hate someone because they have a nice car. When i first got my 94 RT/10,i had it parked out front while i did a little detailing. I had just stepped in the house to get a drink when i saw a car full of guys maybe in their twenties slowing down to what i thought was look.Well,as i stood halfway in and out of my doorway,one started screaming 'vipers ain't shi**** and so forth.They hadn't seen me apparently so i stepped out and they took off. I saw them looking back at me and waved for them to come on back,but they kept truckin.lol...funny,haven't seen those guys around here since. Some people are just jerks i guess. I have had a lot more people compliment my cars than rag on them though. I got my Vipers to enjoy and not for attention,but nothing wrong with someone complimenting them.I think they are cool too :)


Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
Next time you see that guy with the flare offer to give him a free colonoscopy using the flare.


Nov 26, 2007
Reaction score
Hey, even standing still it LOOKs fast.

Sorry, joking aside, the guy was an idiot. Glad you were able to clean it up.


Dec 27, 2001
Reaction score
Phila Suburbs
It is probably a good thing I could not find a place to pull over as I suspect I may have ended up in jail that night. As somebody mentioned I would probably have given him a colonoscopy with his flare or at the very least made him eat it.


VCA Venom Member
Venom Member
Nov 29, 2009
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Ponchatoula, La
You'll never win the Battle against all the Jealous / Idiots / Dummys whatever you call them. There's too many out there. Just be carefull & aware of your surroundings & protect your property. I bring my car to corvette shows & get all kinds of remarks, but I'm the one driving the Viper !. :lmao: :drive: :headbang:


Dec 27, 2001
Reaction score
Phila Suburbs
I have also heard stories on this board about hot chicks flashing their **** to guys while they are driving their Viper but of course this does NOT happen to me. :dunno:

Yes, you are correct LA, I hate taking any of my cars to car shows or cruise nights anymore because people do not care and will maul your car. Not to mention the jealous people that will do vindictive things to your car like try to burn it with a flare. :mad:


Viper Owner
Mar 21, 2010
Reaction score
West Chester, PA
Frank, sorry to hear that happened. If it makes you feel better, on the way home from Chesterbrook this past Saturday, I got a "woo-hoo"! from a pretty girl as a rounded a turn onto WC Pike. :2tu:

Seriously, I've found the "haters" few and far between, but they are out there.



Oct 27, 2007
Reaction score
You can never please when you have a nice car..The guy driveing the 1987 RX7 will pull up next to you in your rt10 and say...Why didnt you get the GTS....

And if you have a GTS someone in a civic will say why didnt you get the rt10....And your bound to have someone in a camaro ect. say..Why didnt you get the srt10..

So if you do have an srt10 then they will say why didnt you get an GTS or RT10...

Or they will be all happy and ask the year...You will say 2005..then the Mustang owner will say..Well why didnt you get one of the 2008's...

And if you have a 2008 coupe somebody will say...Why didnt you get the convertable....

And if that isnt enough some guy in a 40K brand new nismo 370Z will say why didnt you get the ACR instead of your coupe/vert gen4????

These people driveing these 45K and below cars when new often wanted a 73K Z06 or 85K Viper or 90K AMG mercedes ect...

But they couldnt afford it....They tried to get a used version for 45K but their credit union said they would only go 3-4 years and again they couldnt afford it as the payments were still to high..So they bought a base 45K vette or fully optioned 370Z at 40K for 5-7 years and then convinced them selves that this car was every bit as good as that 70-90K car they really wanted...

Not ALL of course but SOME of these people will do everything they can to find a fault in your purchase to make themselves feel better about not haveing it...

My buddies who have C6Z06's or GTR's Porshe 911's ect never have anything negaitive to say about my viper...Now the guys at work in their mustangs and g35's ect....A few of them fall into the hater caterdory


VCA Venom Member
Venom Member
Nov 29, 2009
Reaction score
Ponchatoula, La
agentf1, If you like "Flashing" you should come to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, You'll get all you want. :omg: :omg: :headbang:


Viper Owner
Mar 21, 2010
Reaction score
West Chester, PA
Frank (AgentF1) and I only live a few miles from each other, and we frequent some of the same shows and cruise nights. I have found that, for the most part, the "general public" is respectful of both the Viper, and the 07 Superbee. At Chesterbrook (a local monthly cruise) this past Saturday, I had some folks with kids come up, and without fail, the parents asked their kids NOT to touch the car, but simply look. I thought this very cool. I was happy to answer any and all questions.


Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
You can never please when you have a nice car..The guy driveing the 1987 RX7 will pull up next to you in your rt10 and say...Why didnt you get the GTS....

And if you have a GTS someone in a civic will say why didnt you get the rt10....And your bound to have someone in a camaro ect. say..Why didnt you get the srt10..

So if you do have an srt10 then they will say why didnt you get an GTS or RT10...

Or they will be all happy and ask the year...You will say 2005..then the Mustang owner will say..Well why didnt you get one of the 2008's...

And if you have a 2008 coupe somebody will say...Why didnt you get the convertable....

And if that isnt enough some guy in a 40K brand new nismo 370Z will say why didnt you get the ACR instead of your coupe/vert gen4????

These people driveing these 45K and below cars when new often wanted a 73K Z06 or 85K Viper or 90K AMG mercedes ect...

But they couldnt afford it....They tried to get a used version for 45K but their credit union said they would only go 3-4 years and again they couldnt afford it as the payments were still to high..So they bought a base 45K vette or fully optioned 370Z at 40K for 5-7 years and then convinced them selves that this car was every bit as good as that 70-90K car they really wanted...

Not ALL of course but SOME of these people will do everything they can to find a fault in your purchase to make themselves feel better about not haveing it...

My buddies who have C6Z06's or GTR's Porshe 911's ect never have anything negaitive to say about my viper...Now the guys at work in their mustangs and g35's ect....A few of them fall into the hater caterdory

Best analysis of human nature ever :2tu:


Dec 15, 1997
Reaction score
Silicon Valley, CA and Portland, OR
The guy was an idiot who probably didn't have enough brain cells to tell whether you were driving a Viper or a Yugo... Anyone who swings a flare around is just plain stupid. Those things are dangerous, and I've seen that **** burn people really bad. If he was swinging it around, I'll bet he went home with plenty of red marks on his forearms and hands...

FYI - if you ever run into a situation like that again, if possible and safe, let the person know that if they read the instructions on the flare, it clearly says to light, set on the ground, and don't F&*K with it. If this was someone in a public service capacity, I'd remind them that they're endangering the public by swinging that flare around. If they damaged your car, they're just as liable for those damages as if they picked up a rock and threw it at you. That kind of behavior is not a harmless mistake - it's negligent and dangerous.


Viper Owner
Apr 10, 2010
Reaction score
Good post twister. :2tu:

Ever heard of the High School Syndrome? You know how it was in high school.... everything valued was superficial. So when you have something nicer, the response is to put you down to help them feel better.

That is what is going on IMHO with these immature jerks.

I have to say though, I find that more that are complementary than derogatory.


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
eastern, Pa
I have also heard stories on this board about hot chicks flashing their **** to guys while they are driving their Viper but of course this does NOT happen to me. :dunno:

Yes, you are correct LA, I hate taking any of my cars to car shows or cruise nights anymore because people do not care and will maul your car. Not to mention the jealous people that will do vindictive things to your car like try to burn it with a flare. :mad:

I will never take my car to shows/cruises and I'll never leave it in a parking lot - anywhere. I stay with it all of the time when it's not in the garage.

Too much time, money, and effort into it for some retard to mess with it. And I'm not too far from you - we have p-l-e-n-t-y of retards around here.


Nov 17, 2008
Reaction score
You can never please when you have a nice car..The guy driveing the 1987 RX7 will pull up next to you in your rt10 and say...Why didnt you get the GTS....

And if you have a GTS someone in a civic will say why didnt you get the rt10....And your bound to have someone in a camaro ect. say..Why didnt you get the srt10..

So if you do have an srt10 then they will say why didnt you get an GTS or RT10...

Or they will be all happy and ask the year...You will say 2005..then the Mustang owner will say..Well why didnt you get one of the 2008's...

And if you have a 2008 coupe somebody will say...Why didnt you get the convertable....

And if that isnt enough some guy in a 40K brand new nismo 370Z will say why didnt you get the ACR instead of your coupe/vert gen4????

These people driveing these 45K and below cars when new often wanted a 73K Z06 or 85K Viper or 90K AMG mercedes ect...

But they couldnt afford it....They tried to get a used version for 45K but their credit union said they would only go 3-4 years and again they couldnt afford it as the payments were still to high..So they bought a base 45K vette or fully optioned 370Z at 40K for 5-7 years and then convinced them selves that this car was every bit as good as that 70-90K car they really wanted...

Not ALL of course but SOME of these people will do everything they can to find a fault in your purchase to make themselves feel better about not haveing it...

My buddies who have C6Z06's or GTR's Porshe 911's ect never have anything negaitive to say about my viper...Now the guys at work in their mustangs and g35's ect....A few of them fall into the hater caterdory

next time tell them, because your girls look better on the hood of this one, i have both and she has been on both...:rolaugh:


Feb 17, 2008
Reaction score
Ashland, KY
I hear that a lot twister I thought it was because I'm young. The question I get asked the most is why didn't you buy a gt-r. My response is usually the same and it's I love vipers lol. I try not to argue because they always have something they've seen on the interweb that happened so it's always that way lol. I have run into a lot if haters since everyone around here takes LSx cars and mod them for drag racing. They always say you spent 90 grand to run 12's since my car has been to the track twice it's ran 12.20 both times lol. They fail to realize all I done was exhaust and filter change no sticky tires either but I can drive my car anywhere have hella fun in the twisties while they struggle to make 1 turn.


Jun 5, 2008
Reaction score
It's human nature for people to incorrectly correlate speed with the type of car you drive. The sleeker, more sporty, and louder you are - the faster you seem to be driving. I've said this before in another thread - I see minivans and other "unnoticeable" cars flying around at speeds well over the posted limit and nobody takes a second glance. I consciously slow down to under the posted limit in school zones and other areas where pedestrians are a plenty for this very reason. I once was driving my GTO which is very loud through a school zone at 30 kmph. It was a posted 40 zone. I was creeping along and some older guy with a cane started screaming at me and shaking his cane in the air to slow down. I was like ***? I also notice in school zones, when all the parents are parked out front waiting for their kids, it doesn't matter whether you are doing under the limit or not, you get hard glares and contemptuous stares - even though the Jeep Cherokee in front of you just screamed thru at 75 kmph without so much as a tsk tsk.
I dread the thought if somebody were to take it to the next level - like throwing a rock or flare **** at me.... not because I'm worried so much about the car - but I am worried about spending the next 15 years of my life in lockup for choking somebody out:D
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Nov 26, 2007
Reaction score
t's human nature for people to incorrectly correlate speed with the type of car you drive. The sleeker, more sporty, and louder you are - the faster you seem to be driving.
YES! Happens all the time. Pulling away from a stop light the guy next to me will think I'm racing him even though I am starting out just the same as him. It's because the engine roar makes them think I'm pushing it. I'll either get nasty looks or they will take off. I've learned to ignore it.

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