Where should I begin, Hmmmm. Well, first off do not under any circumstances reset your PCM. This includes: clearing codes with a handheld, disconnecting your battery, or pulling your PCM plugs. Illinois standards on emmissions is based on a no-fault/no-fail rule. This means that when they plug into your OBD2 system, the only thing they want to see is that your system is accurately regulating your emmisions. They throw a battery of tests at each component of the system which replies with a "
pass, fail, or not-ready" response for each test.
Now back to the PCM, when you reset your PCM you are in-effect wiping out all of the diagnostic data that has been logged in your PCM, forcing the system to create a new baseline to work off of. This is the process we call "re-learning". What this does is put your system into a not-ready state, until you've gone through a series of complete drive cycles (can't remember how many but 2-3 days of regular driving is sufficient). Also do not show up with any kind of sims on you will "
FAIL"! And until the PCM has formulated a baseline, you will
NOT pass the Illinois emmisions test. Now, the above mentioned is only in the event that you had to recently clear a CEL (Check engine light) and/or had some work done that required the disconnection of your battery (which is stated on the back of your notice).
So, in early December I too decided to make my trip down to the testing center for my first test on this car. Now, besides a laundry list of (power adder) mods my car
doesn't have cat's, and to make matters worse it's louder than an elephant with his nuts zip-tied together.
It was a nice sunny day (and was I nervous). After waiting in line a few minutes , I found myself BS-ing with the pimply faced youth at the testing booth. We laughed at how obnoxiously loud my car was and I was happy to let him sit in it and rev it a little (turning lot's of heads) some impressed others startled. Moments later with my enviromentally compliant (LOL) car, I pulled away with my piece of paper that said "Pass"
Also, if by chance you experience any problems like the ones above. Not passing doesn't necessarily mean you failed, if your system was in a "not-ready" state. You will in effect be given (if I remeber correctly) a VOID card. Meaning your test was inconclusive and for all intents and purposes never happened and you have to come back and do it again.
FAIL" means one of the diagnostic components was not working correctly (i.e. - sims in place of O2 sensors).I unfortunately had to find this all out the hard way, because I cleared a bogus CEL (while cleaning my engine compartment I disconnected my intake sesnsor and started my car before reconnecting) 24 hours before the test. I hope this helps...
Good Luck