Tom Shapiro
Will be held in Park Forest Illinois from 10:00 a.m. till 3:00 p.m. Bring your family, sunscreen, folding chairs, and your Viper. Barbequed chicken, burgers, pasta salad, and fruit salad will be served. Free soft drinks and water available all day. Cost is $5.00 per person. Kids under 15 are free. Car show awards will be presented to class winners. Auto cross charity rides will benefit a local recreation center. Any questions call Bill Sampognaro (W-708-481-9560, H-708-534-0604) Directions from I-57; take exit #340 east(Lincoln Hwy/Rt 30) Proceed east on Rt 30 nine stop lights to Orchard Drive. Turn right. Go south approximately 2 miles to Indianwood Drive. Turn left and you will enter the Town Centre parking lot where we will be. See you there!