Illustrated Upgrades Forum


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS

This is a quick note to let you know about our Illustrated Upgrades forum and the content therein.

As many of you already know, the Illustrated Upgrades guide was an integral part of the previous website. Lovingly built by VCA Members over the years, there are numerous guides for doing all kinds of things with your Viper. Everything from installing K&N filters or burping your cooling system to installing racing harnesses or adding stripes to your car yourself. All with step-by-step instructions, lists of tools needed, etc. And most with very detailed pictures - making them truly "illustrated".

We have recently begun "resurrecting" all of those older guides and adding them into the Illustrated Upgrades forum as well. Indeed, expect several more great guides on there later today (skip-shift disable, roller rocker install, etc.). However not everybody will be able to see the content.

After very careful consideration by your VCA Web Committee, it has been decided that the actual content of that forum will be restricted to VCA Members and Site Sponsors. Now you folks that are listed as Viper Owners, please clean off the coffee you just spit on your keyboard and bear with me for a second:

This website costs money to run. A lot of money. In calendar year 2006 we spent $22,776.89 on this website alone. Now, we are able to offset a good portion of that cost with the generous help of our advertisers and sponsors. The site itself is programmed by paid programmers ETP, Inc. & BosDev, Inc. (Michael Pierce and Don Boston). However the administration of the site is done entirely by VCA volunteers that don't earn a single penny for their hard work. Likewise with the Illustrated Upgrades - they were done by VCA Members to help fellow VCA members visiting the site.

All we are asking is that if you own a Viper that you join the VCA. Chances are good you spent some pretty good money on your car and another $100 (for 2007 and all of 2008) is chickenfeed by comparison. Part of the witness protection program? No problem - a valid VIN and you can be John Doe with a PO Box. The club has no political or religious agendas - we want only to provide the BEST ownership experience for our members that is possible. In return we will provide you with so many great benefits that your will wonder how you get it all for only $100:
  • VIPER magazine subscription - a greatly glossy magazine published quarterly
  • VCA Notes - the club newsletter with lots of great info, also quarterly
  • Eligibility to enter the VCA raffles, featuring some spectacular Vipers that you can win
  • $1,000,000 liability insurance at official VCA events
  • Access to exclusive VCA merchandise, apparel, and much more
  • Exclusive offers such as our Monroney window sticker replacement program
  • Great discounts from supporting vendors like Parts Rack, Viper Days, and many, many more
  • Liaison to the manufacturer for outstanding support and information
  • The very latest Viper news from SRT
  • Local events from your regional club
  • Regional newsletters, some of which are VIPER magazine quality
  • Exclusive events such as the Detroit Grand Prix, Viper vs. Viper, etc.
  • And much, much more!
And here on the website as a VCA Member you get:
  • Posting privileges in all general Viper Forums
  • Posting & viewing privileges in VCA Members forum
  • Posting privileges in VCA Regional forums
  • Posting privileges in VCA Viper Events and Gatherings forum
  • Ability to upload and display personal avatar (Vipers only please)
  • Ability to write and use personal signature for all posts
  • Ability to see all content in Illustrated Upgrades
  • Gallery privileges up to 500 MB of uploads
  • Up to 5000 Private Messages allowed
  • FREE Classified ad posting (normally $30 each)
  • Online purchase of raffle tickets and Monroney reprints
  • Access to exclusive SRT merchandise in VCA Members forum
  • Exclusive merchandise from VCA Goods
  • Future exclusives such as VCA private auctions, online renewals, and much more!
Whew! The bottom line is simple: This site is owned and operated by the VCA in order to provide a great experience for our members, visitors, and even those Viper owners that don't want to pony up the money to join the club. In order to do that we want to increase our membership and provide even more benefits in the future. And one of those benefits is unlimited access to the Illustrated Upgrades content.

We appreciate your understanding and hope you enjoy the new Illustrated Upgrades.


Aug 13, 2006
Reaction score
Salem, OR
WOW, What a deal !!! There's so many Freebies it's almost Free. How many can we sign up for???:D :2tu:

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