Is there a charge to be member of the Indiana & Kentucky Region.
How do you go about joining?
How do you go about joining?
Hello, jwolf !!
The membership process goes through National VCA Headquarters (VCA HDQ)...$155.00 for regular membership...but it gets proratyed as the year rolls along.
Here in the "JOIN" link seen at the top of the Forum pages:
If you have trouble, e-mail [email protected]
or send me an e-mail [email protected]
We'd love to have you on board with us...noting that you have several Members in "Your neck of the woods".
I hope that this helps !!!
Steve Fess, Membership Coordinator, VCA IN/KY Region, Inc.
Actually it's $115 for standard membership and $150 for Venom membership.
This is information on the difference and what you get in your membership.
We WELCOME ALL VCA Members to our events !!!
And, NO...we do not have an affiliate membership status within the IN/KY VCA Club.
P.S. SORRY...in my above posts, I was working off of my PDA which does NOT show avitars or signatures...thus, I did not know that you are a VCA Member!! Region ??
No it is the King Fish on River Road and Zorn Ave on the other side of the river
I am out of Mooresville and have not taken a long trip with my car. Are you driving yours down also? would love to travel with someone else
I am a VCA member my question was about regional membership?
My apologies I misunderstood the question.
Since you are a VCA member you should be assigned in the Indiana/Ky region already and it does not cost anything extra to be in a certain region.
It's a part of your VCA membership.
Some certain events might cost extra for an event-one example is the Ohio auction & dinner coming up on April 9th and is open to all VCA members regardless of region.
Steve should have you listed and is very good about getting email updates to Indiana/KY members with current schedules of events in your area.
Good morning, jwolf. I have searched all databases available to me (including IN/KY from 2000 to 2011) with no luck...admitting that with the recent change of VCA administration you might have "slipped through the transition cracks".
The VCA Region to which you belong is YOUR choice. Thus, if you are a member of the Illinois Region (or any Region other than the IN/KY Region), said membership would not show up on OUR books. That said, you ARE invited to join our activities as you wish. I have just e-mailed our latest newsletter to you, including our 2011 schedule (which is continuously updated).
Sorry that you can't join us on April 9th...but hopefully, we can meet some time soon.
If I can be of any Viper assistance, please let me know.