I just got this info today. I'll have a pictucre of it this week. This is what it is.
A Gen III GTS at 1:18 scale. The doors and hood open. The car is on a black base with a sticker that says Viper GTSR. This car looks SWEET! Oh yea, it's the FIRST 1:18 scale car that HOTWHEELS has ever made. As soon as I know when this car is going to be in the stores I'll let you know. I saw these only because a salesman dropped off 4 of them. And no, I didn't get one.
Thomas a.k.a. ViperLSS
A Gen III GTS at 1:18 scale. The doors and hood open. The car is on a black base with a sticker that says Viper GTSR. This car looks SWEET! Oh yea, it's the FIRST 1:18 scale car that HOTWHEELS has ever made. As soon as I know when this car is going to be in the stores I'll let you know. I saw these only because a salesman dropped off 4 of them. And no, I didn't get one.

Thomas a.k.a. ViperLSS