JWolf, Where do you find a felt squeegee like that?
WARNING: I did all of my lights EXCEPT the headlights.
I have the same film, but not quite ready to tackle it yet. IF you're doing tint on the other lenses, the thickness of the film is much thinner than the PROTECTIVE film for the headlights (if you're smart!). The heat required for either is going to very suddenly hit the 'flexible' point ... don't exceed that or the film will melt and you have to start all over with an Internet order for new film.
I was about to rip the tinting film off my rears lens on my first install and give up when all of a sudden, it started to 'work' into the shape of the lens. Once you do it and see what I'm talking about, you'll be slammin' right through tinting. The headlight 'protective' film is much thicker and will take a bit different approach with the heat. The trick is to find the lowest heat that film will work with you on... any colder and you'll be cussin' the whole time. Get it just right and it's like night and day.
I found that a hair-drier wasn't easily controlled, so I went to the heat-gun from my RC days that has a million settings. Once I found the right one, the film 'became my friend' and the second tint I applied was really fast. If you're looking for tinting the lenses other than the headlights, check out Blue Batmobile ... he's been providing custom cut film out of California for Vipers for years and it really looks good on the car (photo studio pictures coming in the next few weeks).
The key is patience and letting the film hit the right working temperature. I'll probably do my headlights this next week as I really like the look of my tails after seeing a bunch of other cars close to mine at the Viper Roundup over the weekend.
The video is worth watching and thinking through the process. The headlight film is NOT like window tint ... totally differnt adhesive. That's why I've been waiting, but it's about to happen!